Having sex before marriage

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Raymond_Cheung, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. lol i think the nike motto fits this thread: Just Do It

    lala and i think chinese girls are all for giving it up these days hahaha
  2. vangirl86

    vangirl86 Well-Known Member

    perhaps it is the way how each person is raised from their culture. just like how each culture eat differently from another, lol.
  3. Espresso Bunny

    Espresso Bunny Well-Known Member

    Tradition shouldn't be altered, though sadly it is. If there were no morals, and standard, people can do whatever they like with out recourse.

    Let me put it to you this way, would you wanna marry someone that had 'many' sexual partners, regardless? -noclue

    /End Thread
  4. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    i don't think i would mind as long as she is the one and obviously does not have any S.T.Ds.
  5. Raymond_Cheung

    Raymond_Cheung Well-Known Member


    Maybe it is the contraceptive that we have nowadays. Just knowing that nothing wrong could happen, while in the past this 'tools' were not available or the ppl never heard about it.
  6. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

    If you lasted before getting married without sex, i would be VERY surprised
  7. toshina

    toshina Member

    I read somewhere that the average number of "lovers" as in sexual partners a person would have in his or her lifetime before settling down is 8. I personally think this number is rather high but then again, it is based on the consensus in the US.

    But I don't think you should base marriage or whether you'll date a person on the number of sexual partners he or she has. It's the past and we're living in the now. Though I do agree that morals and traditions don't hold the same value as it did before. Because if it did, we wouldn't be having 12-year-olds running around with baby strollers.

    I just recalled something. I have a friend who was baptised er... a year or so ago and her boyfriend grew up as a Christian. They're both really into the religion (which honestly sounds like a cult the way she describes it to me and tries to recruit me) and believe in the sin and hell thing. But they were sleeping together before she was baptised and they're still sleeping together. So much for "I don't want to sin because I don't want to end up in hell and I am a true believer."
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    yeah, people can be hypocrites. I consider myself agnostic but i say 'god damnit' all the time.

    lol next time she tries to recruit you, just inquire whether she has had any 'carnal relations' in the past week. God can't be too happy about her boyfriend's pee-pee in her hoo-hoo before they have had a chance to say their vows. :p
  9. GreenTeaCola

    GreenTeaCola Active Member

    Lol, I think sex before marriage is so wrong....Sorry for having really old traditional views on this =P I mean Anne Boylen from the Other Boylen Girl had some pretty good views on this subject and I did agree with her when I read the novel and now I've just forgotten whatever it was she said. Something about not having sex in the forest because then it means he's treating you like a whore and demand sex in the bed...LOL...she was talking to her sister Mary who became King Henry's ... um...forgot the word for it...mistress there we go! Ah well don't know if any of you read the book or not....or seen the movie...or maybe I'm just spoiling everything...heh!
  10. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    I lost you after 'traditional views on this'

    holy convoluted, batman.
  11. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Is it considered "sex" if you PIITB?
  12. orian

    orian Member

    In this day and age a lot of people had sex before they are married it's very tempting because of internet aka porn
  13. BabieHead

    BabieHead Guest

    Sex is best when you're ready. Nothing wrong with having sex with the person before getting married to them. How else are you to know if they will be good in bed? I didn't even know people still waited till marriage.
  14. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    @babiehead some ppl have beliefs and tbh if u rele loved someone u wouldn't kill about whether they are gd in bed or not and that can be worked on.

    @kontra what is PIITB stand for?
  15. GreenTeaCola

    GreenTeaCola Active Member

    @ fearless_fx Lol...sorry ^_^''' oh yeah Anne also did alot of shit with the King but they appearantly never had sex because he didn't put his thing in the you know where...of her...and yeah...LOL...I have no idea how I dragged this novel onto this topic. T_T!
  16. ^ so the King always gave her surprise buttsecks?

    rofl.. sorry..
  17. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Aaaah Stimpacks
  18. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    & wth is going on in here...which king gave who buttsex? wth...................=/


    edit...ok ive just read previous page...butta greentea...anne lived in 15 or 16th century did she not?
    i think things have slightly changed? its a bit different these days

    not that i think that theres anything wrong with not having sex before marriage...
    its just very rare these days...respect if u do wait tho...good on u...n goodluck with that
    #98 MissCheekS, Apr 26, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  19. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    I think most of the people who wait to have sex before marriage these days are just using it as an excuse cuz they are too ugly to get laid.
  20. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hahaha...fearless...u think.....?
    i think no ones too ugly.....im sure if u have no standards and no shame u can get lid no matter how ugly

    & hey....u can always pay for sex