this is like the 3rd game that got a 10 there in the time IGN has been operating...damn I WANT NowS "Watch the people and you'll witness some amazing things. At one point, I saw a woman stopped at a light, looking in the rearview mirror right before she was rear-ended by a man ogling a girl on the street. The man got out of his car and went to the woman, checking to see if she was okay. This had nothing to do with Niko or a single action I took. These were the citizens of Liberty City going about their day. And it was just one moment in a day full of incidents." my jaw dropped.... damnnn...
Cant wait for mine, got posted today, maybe just maybe it will arrive tomorrow what are the other 2 games IGN gave 10?
^soulcaliber and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time... there might be like 1-2 more i guess...but damn....this review making me :wackit: for GTAIV....saw the video review too.....soo crazy
^lol ive been watching so many videos of gameplay and even live streams of people playing and i cannot wait to play it myself. well cant wait to go on a rampage with a shotgun
^wonder if they have the chain gun or like a chainsaw hahah....hopefully also like a shopping mall lol....i remember those shopping mall raids in GTA vice city....stole the display lamborghini and drive in the mall hahha...and also chainsaw everyone... Seriously want back those tools from vice city...the katana, wrench and such.... OMG i might have to get a ps3 sooner than i want haha...
^ dont think the katana is in it. But you can pick up things like bricks off the street and throw em at people haha if there was any time to buy a ps3 or 360, now is it!!!
^awesome.... when i get my hands on this and a sniper rifle...rooftop sniping muhaha..... i'm totally trippin out for this game now lol....have never wanted a game like this for years....ever since san andreas/halo 2 craze...
thats the thing, the hype for this game is phenomenal, i havent been counting down the days till the release for any game except for this and whats better yet, is people are saying the game is better than the hype which means its must be absolutely amazing
it'll have way better detailed cars and physics that's for sure...DETAIL is the key here according to the review
well why would u need that much more? it doesn't exactly do that much. have they kept multiplayer on the same console btw? cos the multiplayer mode on SA was pretty fun.
bbes...more cars equal more variation, it's a new game. and damn man haven't you've seen the multiplayer in action yet, guess not. It's heads and shoulders above the one in San Andreas.....and once again i have to say more cars= more variation. Why does the Gran Turismo series have such a big fanbase, Because it has tons of fucking cars...And Grand Theft Auto basically means stealing tons of cars, so the more cars to steal the better, thats why everyone wants more. Also some info to Aoes who asked that question, the negative thing about the vehicles this time is i don't think you can customize/mod the cars, use the jetpacks/parachutes, the jet airplane or a tank... @dim8sum lol i think it would make it better cause the world is soo fucking big and also prevent lagging, but negative, all your friends would have to have a ps3 lol.
WTF!!! NO PLANE?!?!?! Car Modding... I can live w/o i suppose... newayz... GTA4 on PS3 or 360? which would be the better buy?
Ps3= less lag, less loading time, but you'll have to load it onto harddrive first. I would say PS3 version hehe...
lol beg for mercy... damn with so many these GTA threads... dimsum straight got NAS hyped for this game.. -rotfl