^ seriously. your laptop is crazy looking. hey my laptop works... i just dont fully know how to use it. ;] it will be a club for people with laptops that are too hi-tech for them. you wanna join?
it's a good looking laptop, better than mines lol. But depending on if it runs intel or amd, makes a difference. I saw mostly AMD in these. AlienWare>>>> HP honest opinion :biggthumpup: lol looks aren't everything angie....just because it is a tablet and you can write on it, that doesn't mean it's powerful haha....His laptop is probably wayyy faster. and the webcam lol angie go post a thread on that or do a reformat of the computer lol...
i came. oh my god... cheeks.... you didnt just say that.... you know how much alienware costs? youre comparing a rolex watch to a timex, and you just said timex is better.
^ i actually got it at a good price. so worth it though even if i didnt get a discount. its the most mulitfunctional bag i have. i use it for school and its great for summer!
lol how much was it? seems like i can barely find it online.. but almost looking one was $398... for that bag..
lol don't worry I'm not hatin' on your bag.. just merely boasting my artistic talents.. -cool2 hahaha it's coo.. and you got a lil matching coin purse to go with it.. ain't you cute..
^ haha omg draw me a picture! lol Runtohell: OMG that is soooooooooo overpriced. I got mine for $175 (plus tax) and I got one for my bestfriend for $100. if you live by a coach outlet you should totally get one there! you'll find the same bag in thre different colors (white, black and the scribble like mines) for a similar price.
yeah Gilroy does have a Coach outlet. http://www.premiumoutlets.com/outlets/store_listing.asp?id=23 the stock is limited though, you should call them and see if they have it in stock. OMG they are having a really good sale though, so even if you dont get the Scribble tote you probably can find something good.
pss.. but i'm not a freakin girl so why the hell would i need to know? lol' anways.. whats the spec on your laptop?
^ OMG dont lie you totally want that purse! haha i dont know what the specs on my laptop are. haha what doooes that mean?