tingly? rofl didnt feel that... it was refreshing... cold water into gums.. and playing around with that syringe after... hahaha
Ya they do a X-ray of your teeth and they decide and tell you if you need them taken out. I did mine back then many years ago.. =p cost me like alot done it up at a good doctor place.
agreed. that thing makes the perfect water gun. i sprayed my cousin continuously until she was practically crying. haha. im such a good older cousin.
^ rofl.... i did the same thing to my brother, and he was like.... wtf was that? why you spitting on me you sick bastard hahaha
You must, because whenever they give you something with codeine its generally for something fairly painful.
ye my wisdom teeth are coming out also and apparently i will need to get them removed sometime. not looking forward to that. especially the pain after the op.
lol.... yet i only took 3 of the 25 pills.. maybe that, or they didnt strike any nerves when they operated... i mean, the dudes a veteran.. he used to work as head of dentistry at the university of toronto.. anyways, as for my pain tolerance, i wouldnt call it high... i mean i feel the pain, but i refuse to take drugs or shit like that... only remedy for me is -coolio
hahaha tiger balm...what about sticking these: around your face lmao...supposedly "suck out the pain" lmao...
OH SHIT THOSE TOO actually, they dont suck out the pain.. it works just like tigerbalm but in patches.... it heats up the area you put it on, which helps reduce the pain... i use those a lot too lol
shit the viet pharmacy always give that shit to me for free lols... but when you tear it off, it feels like you getting waxed...
lmaoooo SALONPAS! my parents use those. and they try to stick it on me when i say something hurts. SHIT STANKS!
just get them removed, the process itself itsnt so bad, its just the aftermath in which pain killers + sleep + ice + swabs will be ur best friend for the next week or so
When is the best time to extract them.. I really cannot aford to miss anymore school, and there are no breaks.. and In the summer... I have plans.. ><