Let's see, Neutrogena is good and Aveeno too. But what works the best for me is Dove. Your skin type seems pretty similar to mine. I've pretty much never have had pimples either, but my skin is not really sensitive. However, you mentiioned that you were looking for a new cleanser when you bought biore. If your old one worked for you.. WHy mess with a good thing?
totally agree on the C & C deep action, it's awesome! i think for sensitive skin, avoid any wash with alcohol in it, cuz it would trigger more pimples. use a moisturizing toner and cream. I exceptionally love this: it's got Vitamin C and it's alcohol-free~~ for cream... I loved it, i'd been using it for the past 3 years. It won't make your skin dry and it helps treat ur pimples.
DON'T try regular drug store products. I have very, very sensitive skin as well and I use Cetaphil. It's sooo amazingly soft, seriously. Get the lotion with it...they're both really cheap. If you're sensitive, DO NOT use Neutrogena, Clean&Clear, etc. St. Ives Apricot Scrub works pretty well too.
never heard of St Ives. don't think they sell that here in the UK. i hear aloe vera is gd for the skin also. perhaps something which includes aloe vera.
Don't go near Clean and Clear. I tried it for a while and it never worked. Pro-Active is one of the best - my best friend used it for a while and it worked almost right away. Her skin cleared up in a matter of days. I use Clarins; I like their moisturizer.
Facial products work on different people. The skin composed with different materials for people. It's like for me, Pro-Active doesn't work. The Loreal Benzol-peroxide thing caused me skin dry. Trying different things will lead u to find the right product for you. Don't afraid of trying.
Yes, aloe vera is good for the skin. So is tea tree oil. I use natural tea tree oil on a cotton ball on my skin sometimes. Most of the time I just use Cetaphil though.
omg they do sell it over here, i love it when they have those buy one get one free deals in tesco hahahahaa~ but they dont do offers anymore :( so they're expensive eeeck!!!! it's really good though, but not for sensitive skin as hunnee points out!
hmm have you tried green tea powder and egg yolk? just mix them together a rub it on your face like a mask
maybe but u seem to be so feminine these days. first thinking of shaving ur legs and now going for these facial products. what next. eyeliner lol.
^ lol that reminds me of the fact that my guy friend went to get a facial yeaterday in preparation for his prom.. ><
Home remedies are always the best! Green tea helps detox the body, so by creating a facial mask, it obviously cleanses & purifies the skin from dirt etc. If you don't have any green tea powder, normal green tea bags will do. Make a cup of green tea (might as well drink it! ) slightly drain the tea bag and then either pat it on your face (obviously not whenn it's scoooorching hot) or put it in a seperate saucer, pour some warm water on it & then use cotton pads to soak up the excess liquid & pat on face . I can't remember which ones which but by using egg yolk or whites, one of them shrinks the pore/tightens your skin to eliminate excessive oil etc. The other helps whiten the skin. Either way, they're really good for your skin. & then theres the aspirin facial mask which helps exfoliate your skin & tightens pores. Aspirin & honey = beautiful skin ta da! The aspirin mask is realllllllly good ~& there's multiple ways of using it as mask by combining it with other ingredients. Do a google search!
Clarins men active fash wash is pretty good Clinique is good for sensitive skin Clinique Liquid Fash Wash
Phil, you woman, shaving legs?! wow... lol but its alright with the mask since it is what everyone sees and i would do the mask thing to except i dont have any and not sure what is good for me =\