build a comp n get someone 2 lend u a clean xp. im sure ppl can help ya out...or try downloadin / buy it urself
rofl.. building a laptop... very very expensive lmao.. just go freaking buy one.. and ask someone to lend you a copy of window xp instead then? and then download drivers off the manufacture website.. if your too lazy.. just ask the manufacture for one and see does it support your computer.. some laptop doesn't support window xp anymore just to let you know.. since they don't have drivers for window xp -tongue2
lol - obv i meant buildin a desktop pc...talkin bout that - i myt hav 2 build one myself or pay a friend 2 help me out - after gettin paid by this summer's internship - which hopefully i can get, hehe... And theres also the computer fair place near i live, so i can get some parts for pretty cheap, hehe
o that but still... building cost more than buying now.. like intel quad core from dell.. price range from $350-$699... building it yourself cost like $700+..
ill keep it around £350 ( around $700) or a bit more, if i decide to get an external h/d - 500gb for like £58 (around $100) - which is worth it, hehe...
dell started to sell inspirons with xp again last resort is if you shell out the money to buy windows ultimate you can ask them to give you the xp install cd because the license for ultimate is the same as buying win xp
Take a look at some private, less well known companies, they should still have plenty of XP stock and need to sell it out anyway.
there are many computer sites/stores that build the computer u want and u can select xp as ur os when ur going through the building procedure
I think you can pretty much buy it at any shops just tell them u want it to be XP... I doubt they will cost u extra lol
yea i'm having a hard time too. I went to alot of stores near me and they all said only vista now. but i don't want to change all my stuff just to accommadate vista! good luck.
why not make your own desktop and install xp as your windows. If not, reformat the new desktop and install xp once you get it.
if you have the cash i recommend jus getting a mac and instaling xp... otherwise just build your own computer and put xp in it
vista business will have options to downgrade to xp...and those who wanted to get OEM, better get it fast as it will be discontinued in January 2009...the retail version were off the shelf in June 2008
here, I just build my own PC, get XP with sp3 from net. it run beautifully, update from microsoft as normal. love XP - hate Vista. I did tryout all versions of Vista; but come back to Xp eventually.
sp3 is crap.... and XP is just more stable and more everything friendly... vista are for the users that don't know what the hell they are doing with computers and may install shit all over the place....