how much you got it for......but damn man i saw the keyboard looks pretty damn nice and padded and black haha, what's wrong. cheap feel or what.
Well, not really a cheap feel... the keys just don't feel that good to press... i liked the 'clickity clack' sound of my old keyboard
you... are so weird... lol you got the same but diff color.. the same terrible mp3 player... you know what.... you and phil are alike.. except one is into gadgetry, and the other is into.... satisfying his..... young mind..... rofl
red was a free one off a site -noclue hehehee.. didn't pay a penny for the red one.. i don't care if its the same.. one of them was free.. so i wouldn't be complaining???!?!?
^ if we mugged RTH there would be lots of loot to share, wireless keyboards, zunes..and all the other goodies he's collected
Nothing is wrong with it ITS NEW he say his company gave it to him, he dont need it cause he has a blackberry curve. $80 is bad ass deal try your luck... you look for what u want... they will be around your area... contact them to see item and buy instant spot meet up any place... remeber public place only private place will get RAPED...