
Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by beeboulevard, May 9, 2008.

  1. beeboulevard

    beeboulevard Member

    Well, theres this girl I like

    I met her about 3 years ago in gr 11, and we got along pretty well... although I was never sure of her feelings towards me.

    Anyways, so university came around and we got separated, but I started talking to her on msn a lot more. She kept telling me she misses me and when christmas break came we got together and hit it off pretty well. We did the whole hugging and kissing thing.. but the break was really short and I had to leave her and return to school.

    Again, we talked on msn almost everyday and I thought things were going pretty well considering the distance between us. The one thing that bothered me a bit, though, is that she would always send little heart emoticons or tell me she misses me, but never say "I love you". I asked her about this once and she told me she didn't want to say things she didn't mean. At first I tried to be optimistic and assumed she meant that she's not the type of person to just throws ilu around like a cliche, but now I'm not so sure anymore...

    Another thing is, she never asks me out to anywhere, and seems to always be busy when I ask her out. And lately, we haven't been getting along too well...

    My question is, should I just forget about her and move on? Or should I keep trying?
  2. get closure...... basically i mean get the answers and act accordingly...
  3. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    be direct with her or else u're gonna get played and heart broken
  4. aiyimankit

    aiyimankit Member

    ask her directly, seems that she might have another half. but u cannot be sure until u ask her... good luck
  5. cadeline

    cadeline Well-Known Member

    In this case hugging and kissing doesn't mean exclusivity. She could be just very friendly...
    "I miss you" to her is like "See you later" which doesn't mean literally make a date and see you later. Well, in any case, go clarify and ask since it is already at this stage.
  6. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    there are so many things you can do but like everyone else above says...just ask her straight up...

    right now you must be thinking how do i do that? easier said than done huh?

    its quite hard i must risk losing a friendship or do u want to guess all your life askin yourself what if?

    are you a person that rather have something or nothing at all?

    for me, its either all or nothing....

    which means just ask...and its better if she doesnt talk to you anymore so u can forget about her...
  7. nrgetik

    nrgetik Active Member

    if she goes to a uni pretty far from you and you dont see her that much i say you forget about her becuase its very hard trying to keep a long distance relationship with the distance and the workload from school and since things arent going o well right now it might be easier to forget about it
  8. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    i think "i love you" is a bit too strong, are you guys in a relationship??
    also, have you asked her out or done things that you expect from her? maybe she's thinking of the same thing, this is a bit of a traditional view but she's a girl, maybe you should be the one initiating things too...... or maybe she's the flirty type, you know her best out of all of us!
  9. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    what do u guys recommend against the flirt type of girls?
  10. saying "i miss you" doesnt have to mean someone really loves you, it could also mean i miss you as friend.

    maybe she sees you as friend?
  11. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    i agree with resent, i miss u doesn't necesarily mean that she loves u, she might just miss u as a friend.
  12. ~Eternity~

    ~Eternity~ Member

    Stuff like 'I miss you' '<3' 'wish you were here' shouldn't be taken so seriously... Hugs are really common among friends... I hug a lot of my close friend's girlfriends but that just means that we are good friends... Kissing on the other hand I find kind of weird to do with just friends....

    Know this long distance relationship USUALLY don't work out...Since she already said that she won't say 'I love you' cause she doesn't mean it then don't get too caught up... There's a lot of fish in the sea... Keep looking...

    I won't tell you how to act but If this was me personally I would actually either try to get together with the girl or call (Don't use MSN for this) and try to figure out whats going on.. Sounds to me like your taking this pretty seriously and its better to just deal with it now and you guys can remain friends than make is so you can't even keep this friendship.
  13. beeboulevard

    beeboulevard Member

    I guess she's the friendly type, but not flirty type. The thing is, I was fine being a normal friend with her until she started hugging me and being close to me all the time. Now that I think about it, the only time we've seen each other is when we (me, her and our friends) go out as a group because, as I said before, she never asks me individually and is always busy when I ask her.

    When she started hugging me (she never did before, and I've never seen her hug anyone else), I decided to play it safe and didn't really do anything but hug back. I thought, well this is alright even if it doesn't go anywhere. Then all of a sudden she started getting REAL close to me all the time, and kissing me and stuff.

    I mean, why would she do that if she didn't want anything? I never thought she would be the type to play me, but now I'm not so sure. She's not that... mean.

    I suppose I should talk to her about it; she is kind of ignoring me on msn right now though, so I don't know if I should push it...

    One more thing: why would she tell me she misses me if, when I finally got to see her after 4 months, she didn't really seem like she did? I'm sure she doesn't just say it all the time, she usually says it randomly while we're talking about the times we've spent together... like "i miss you...." She never said it to me until we got "close".

    The thing is, she doesn't even put me on the same level as her other friends. What does she want?
  14. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    budddy.....u're like being played....shes using u...its like she tlks to u only when shes bored
  15. beeboulevard

    beeboulevard Member

    That's what I'm starting to think too... but I know her quite well (at least I hope I do...) and she doesn't seem to be the type to do this kind of thing.

    Should I just forget about her then?
  16. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    why not give it a rest? for say a couple of weeks? let it be? dont call her...etc..but if she talks to you just be normal and see what happens?

    if hard to just say okay im gonna forget about her now...u know? easier said than done...

    u really have to find either find another job to keep yourself busy or find a new hobby or another friend to talk the meantime...

    what do you think?
  17. beeboulevard

    beeboulevard Member

    Yea... I'm still in the habit of thinking of her all the time. It's kinda hard to get her out of my mind ><

    Well, I don't really have much problem keeping myself busy... it's just that when I see her online I have the urge to talk to her. The worst part of this whole thing is that part of the reason I came back was just to see her... I could have been a lot more productive doing some other things this summer.

    I don't know. Of course, I'm hoping she'll talk to me eventually but how long should I wait?
  18. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    there should not be any given or set time involved if you ask will gradually forget about her as time moves on...

    again the phrase goes...."no one wants something they already have" ...right? sucks...but its true...

    what do you use? aim? msn?

    if its msn, u can use appear offline or just "block" prevent yourself from talkin to know what i mean?

    do what you must to avoid talkin to her....if its bothering you that know?
  19. beeboulevard

    beeboulevard Member

    so should I avoid all contact with her? or just wait till she talks to me?

    this means I'm giving up on her right....?

    Would it be better to test for her feelings for me right now? or just cut the crap and ask her directly?
  20. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    check your pm box...