Talk about getting Played.

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by yoitztrong, May 11, 2008.

  1. LOL i cant quote it but basically from what i remember
    He thinks he got played by some girl and posted her a letter after sayin 'i hate u' -lol
  2. clevergurl55

    clevergurl55 Well-Known Member

    ^ this sounds interesting...ahahahahha oh well don't hate the player, hate the game
  3. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol smart thing he did removing the post, he woulda got flamed more, well unless the person felt sorry for him lol....
  4. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    =O i dont feel like i have flamed on him tho...just givin him a piece of mind...but yeah i think he gets our point la....
  5. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    lol cus you two off doing something together eh :shifty:
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    I flamed the OP in a nice way....i'm cool like that -innocent-tongue2
  7. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    :yes: you should have! i want to read. lol
  8. wouldn't you like to know! :shifty: lol jk.... i was late okay?!
  9. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    basically wat he said was that there was this girl and they were like friends and she invited him to a party which was basically just for girls and from there he thought that this girl liked him alot. also, he thought that the girl was cute and told his friends and one of the other girl's friend came up and asked him about what he thought of her. he told her that she thought that the girl was cute and then everybody prompted him to ask her out. so he did but then the girl sed that she wasn't looking for a relationship at the moment. so then he thought that this still gave him hope and so on valentines day he did a bunch of stuff, like sing for her, give her flowers and cakes and stuff. she then gave him a kiss on the cheek and he was not satisfied but thought that there was still hope cos of wat she did. then like she started ignoring him for like a few weeks and he tried to spend as much time when there were talking to each other to talk and then like a week later she goes out with some other person. so he then felt played and wrote i hate you on her locker.

    i think this was the original thread title. i know i have a gd memory and having read through it once i remember most of the stuff if not all lol.
  10. yoitztrong

    yoitztrong Member


    damn thanks a lot!
    leave me alone!! lol
  11. heyyitsalana

    heyyitsalana Member

    do not stress yourself over someone not worth your time
  12. dude200me

    dude200me Member

    take it as a life learning experience
  13. renskebuursma2

    Girls are like that. Giving hope and dashed it! That's what makes them. :)
  14. kevboi

    kevboi Well-Known Member

    Wow, u guys dug this out of the last year. Hahha

    Dude, dont sweat it. I got the same line before, saying that they arent ready for a relationship and etc. Hey we dummies didnt get the hint, but wanted to give it another try, right. Its normal. U didnt want this opportunity to slip away. I give u A for effort. Lets say , i was just used to make her so called bf jealous, bad eh and top of it she yelled at me for liking her. U learn from ur mistake, so it wont happen. Trust me this is a good lesson to learn in life, not a lot of people get to experience this shit. Keep ur head up and keep on fighting for love or so called love. Let it come naturally man. Soon love will be searching for u when u dont know it and it will come sweeter than before. Dont hate the girl for doing this to u. What i notice is just say thank you for this lesson in life and wish her happiness, if u dont u will only get hurt more. Life goes on man. Dude just concentrate on school or career man. GIrls will be with u when u make the monies lol.........
  15. The OP ended this thread may 2008....
  16. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    And you went out of your way to bump a thread from last month. What's your point?

    I'm kinda disappointed that nobody bothered to quote the OP.