prob is the weakest person in this, why couldnt they have cast jimmy from fathers and sons (爸爸閉翳) anyone know his name?
Hmmm, I Think You're Talking About That Little Boy Named, "Jacky Wong" ? If So, I Agree ! Lol, Jacky's Cute & Has Potential For Acting With His Age. =P
I prefer anyone besides JACKY. I wanan punch that irking faggot in the face. Porsche is okay, nothing more, nothing less, in fact quite good. Only foolios having tantrums.
lol Lets get Mok Hoi Heen yo lol freakin Ball Jai, hes a fat tub of lard, everything i see him, hes always eatin or pretending to be cute, lol i dunno who the hell recommended him for the cast, but he sucks, HARD
^...if we gve the kid a break then i guess we'll have to direct the comments at the directorsetc for casting that kid...
He looks like a halfie to me o_o; He's okay .. a bit annoying His character is weak in the series But kids these days can't really act n_n so meh
That kid was annoying he can't act, they should have gotten a better kid to act as her son, but still hey he's just a kid.