wouldnt totally agree with that. And what do you mean by when you started 360 - Microsoft ??? I'm taking you mean shit ??? I personally didnt get a PS3 just as a BR player, it was the upcoming titles which influenced me on getting one. 360 is a very reasonable system at its price, with a GREAT range and variety of games, as of the Wii i got one just for multiplayer purposes.
i think xbox360 is more diversed bcuz lots of my friends have it and i would like to get that wireless wheel.
So far, the one on top of the next-gen console is the wii then 360 finally the PS3. But the only problem with the Wii is the lack of production and the low supply in stock. What causes people to reject the PS3 is its obscure price and lack of improvement in bringing new gaming experience. In addition the PS3 is too big and very heavy.
i own a X-box 360 but i break alot..but if you have warrant it's really worth it...very awsome console
well i have to say the ps3 will prob pick up more sales than the 360 now cos its dropped in price and even though its more expensive, it is a blu ray alternative player.
that and MGS4 were the only reasons i got the ps3, the blu ray player was so and so for me, cause i generally dont even buy movies on disks but yeh gta4 help shift a few more ps3s and with mgs4 coming out that will sell a few more but im tempted to buy a 360 when gears of war 2 comes out!
idk,,, To me Gears of War 1 was pretty medicore. Single player was short and nothing but forgettable. Multiplayer was fun for a while, but when you break it down to its core. Not that much there.... I'm expecting tons of content to be added in GOW:2, or else it'll be a complete pass for me.
LOOK AT THIS if you looking for more games/exclusives get XBOX 360, but something more suitable for a complete entertainment system....GET PS3 Things PS3 have over the XBOX360- Wi-fi connectivity (right out the box, $80 add on for Xbox360), double the xbox HD capability (also replaceable with a normal laptop HD, 100 bucks for 250gb/ compared to Xbox360's $180 120gb HD), Blue-Ray Playback, Bluettooth connectivity, no external power supply, no red rings of death, free-online play, Web TV browser... All for 50 bucks more.... XBOX360 have over ps3- more exclusive games, Infrared (no use for this for me), better online service, 50 dollars less. WHAT I choose: all i gotta say is June 12....
I think the first Gears of War was only fun if you played the coop mode. The multiplayer was pretty fun for a bit. I don't know if you've seen the video that was just released for GOW2, but it's pretty damn amazing. Here is the video if you haven't seen yet http://gamevideos.com/video/id/18698
Co-Op didn't ad much to the lack luster campaign. As for GOW 2, I've already seen that video. I still don't know if I'll even rent this game.