Did I do something?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by secluded, May 13, 2008.

  1. secluded

    secluded Well-Known Member

    So, for the past two years or so, I've liked this girl who is also a friend of mine. Of course she has a boyfriend who also happens to be a friend of mine. Usually, we're really cool with eachother, like we'll go hang out and stuff. However, as of late (last two weeks or so), she's been avoiding me, not returning my messages, and just flat out ignoring me. She even stood me up when we had plans to do something together, with no excuse except that she was busy (even though we've planned this for like a month).

    So, does anyone think it's because I did something? Or do you think it's because she's figured out I like her and just doesn't want to get too involved with me or something? -boat
  2. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    you like your friends girlfriend!!!! she knows and she's doing all of this because she doesnt know how to face you right now. she doesnt want to lead you on and doesnt want to have to reject you or have the conversation come up about you having feelings for her. just chill out for awhile and not really contact her unless you really need to. let her get over it a bit and then if you still want to be friends with her ease your way back into things. your friend her boyfriend doesnt know does he??

    good luck
  3. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    ur swimming in dangerous waters my friend... no sympathy here... somethings u rly just don't do :(
  4. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    he's totally got a point.
  5. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    unless perhaps ur male friend has found out and told her to ignore u or just she is also trying to protect u in a friendly way as she knows that if u spurt out ur feelings to her then wat if her bf finds out, then u will lose him as a mate. another possibility could be that she's recently got feelings for u and doesn't know how to deal with them. could be a whole bunch of things. but ye best thing is to give her space and show that ur her friend not that u fancy her. besides its best to avoid such situations.
  6. secluded

    secluded Well-Known Member

    Well, it's not like I started liking her after she got together with my friend. I had already liked her for...two or three months before they started seeing each other and as I'm not psychic, there was no way for me to really know they were going to get together >.<

    But yeah...I guess it is wrong for me to like my friend's girlfriend.
  7. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    no theres nothing wrong with being attracted. but u shouldn't go for her if ur friend is going out with her. maybe when they break up then u can go for her but not right now. just wouldn't be right.
  8. cadeline

    cadeline Well-Known Member

    This is really not right.-nono Despite having feelings for your friend's girlfriend, you still want to hang out with her. What's wrong with you?? Two things. No 1, you like pining for forbidden fruit (or the challenge) and No 2. You really don't care if it's your friend's girlfriend. What's the point of all this?? Good for her!!!
  9. secluded

    secluded Well-Known Member

    Well, why should I stop hanging out with someone just because they're my friend's girlfriend? I mean, we were friends before I liked her, friends before the two were together, and we're still friends even when they are going out. I see no reason to not do what we did together as friends just because she happens to be in a relationship. Besides, I was friends with her long before I was friends with him.

    So what if I happen to like her and she's involved with my other friend? I'm not trying to break the two up or even get into a relationship with her! I mean really, I haven't made any passes at her or anything. I treat her as I do any other friend. Do I wish that I was in a relationship with her, yes. Do I understand that she is off limits, of course I do and I respect that. All I really want to do is be friends with her and do all the stuff that we used to do together (eat, talk about random shit, etc.) at this moment. I'm sorry if that seems like I'm "pining for forbidden fruit" or anything.
    #9 secluded, May 14, 2008
    Last edited: May 14, 2008
  10. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Try to get over it. It's not worth risking your friendship over a girl. There's plenty of other fish in the sea.

    I'll leave you with an old high school saying: "Bros before Hoes."
  11. cadeline

    cadeline Well-Known Member


    Well, you are setting yourself up for a heart break if she never return your feelings (even if she ever breaks up with your friend) Honestly do you treat her like any other friend (perhaps that's what you perceive)? You have intention to have a "relationship" with your friends???

    Hmmm... I wonder why she is avoiding you then if it's okay to like a person more than a friend.:confused:
  12. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    lmao you got your self in some pretty deep shit right now haha... i guess all you can do is wait it out and see what happens
  13. i think she'd feel more comfortable if u guys plan to do a group outing instead of just u 2 alone...

    maybe her bf didn't like the idea of u always calling her n hanging out with her alone... i mean he's a guy n he prolly firgured out ur feelings for her n spoke to her abt it...

    i don't believe u've done anything wrong... u just wanna b with the girl u like... but i don't think wot she's doing is wrong either... i'd do the same if i were her...
  14. aiyimankit

    aiyimankit Member

    im in the same sort if situation...
  15. gorillaz_113

    gorillaz_113 Active Member

    she noticed u loved her adi.......need to pull back