Contraception & Abstinence

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by ks.ayo, May 16, 2008.

  1. ks.ayo

    ks.ayo Well-Known Member

    hmmm a holla out to all the girls out there (preferably who are sexually active..).

    well my partner and I recently started having sex and there are a few issues:

    we're both at uni now and shes afraid of getting pregnant, as it'll not only ruin uni for her and her career, but probably also her future...

    she doesn't want to go on the pill

    shes suggested spermicidal condoms but i did some research on it, and apparantly its not healthy for her, as it can cause infections for the girl and apparantly, studies have shown that theyre not really effective anyway...

    we've also discussed like... menstrual cycle contraception, as in, only have sex straight after her period before she ovulates. but in practice, i dont think this is feasible cos u cant just say "no im not having sex now because my period hasnt come yet". sure it's ideal, but not really realistic.

    so yeah, this pretty much just means either no sex, go on the pill (which she wont). i respect her decisions and everything, and ill try my best to have some self-control... but at the end of the day, i'm still a guy n i have my urges... are there any ways to have better self-control? lol.

    so girls, how do u view sex and contraception? (need the female point of view =/) and what do u think of my situation..? am i just being selfish...? need some feedback and support on this =/

    and any other guys had any experience with this kind of situation...?

    all feedback is appreciated :yes:
  2. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    To control your urges, follow the monkey ----> :wackit:
  3. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    well why wont she go on the pill? the pill is great! not only will it decrease most premenstral symptoms it'll also make her mentral cycle regular ie: knows when she will get her period for sure and it'll lessen her flow.

    not all condoms have spermacide in them. shop around. how are you being selfish? you did research on condoms and you respect her decision. what more could a girl ask for?!?! having sex just after her period is not really the way to go either cause she ovulate early some months. by doing that you'd be taking a big gamble on things.

    the best advice any of us can give to you is for the two of you to go see the doctor. they can give you the best advice on contraception and if you are the first person she's been with then she needs to get a PAP test done.

    good luck in finding your solution and till you find a solution: go oral.
  4. yeah... y wouldn't she go on the pills?? the side effects r probably not as bad as she thinks... she can always talk to her doctors first... i knew girls that r on the pills n the worst side effect i've seen is prolly a bit of chloasma...

    or u can maybe think abt IUD... once she puts the device in u won't have to worry abt for yrs... keke...
  5. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    i guess you could also research more on birth control and show her the harms of both and see what she thinks...
    i mean going to your doctor isnt a bad idea too... embarassing... but not a bad idea
  6. ah_wong201

    ah_wong201 Well-Known Member

    i had a x that used the birth control patch. its kinda like the pill but if i remember she changes it every week. my other x uses this thing like a ring that she puts up her..... u no what. she said it a new thing. she changes it every 3 weeks then 1 week without it. then repeat.
  7. wow... wongie sounds like an expert kekekekeke -tongue2
  8. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    nothing wrong with the pill to be honest....ive been on the pill, lol, its great, knowing wen my period would come, and its supposed to help period cramps too.
    but if she still say no, just gonna have to relieve yourself in the good old fashion way for teenage boys who havent got a girl lol.
    but yeh...right after her period, big gamble, you never know how unlucky you are on these things, its better to not take risks, I know someone who did take a risk once, and yeh the one time out of her entire time of being safe, she ended up pregnant and had an abortion, i was like o_O woahhhhhh.
    My advice to EVERYONE, safety must be ensured at all times unless otherwise.
  9. ah_wong201

    ah_wong201 Well-Known Member

    no not a expert.... just been around these things
  10. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    oral can cause infections and throat cancer i read lol, but only common towars those who've given oral to 5 or more people-- careful all you flingers! lol

    ive heard the pill has qutie a few affects, some of my friends say you could die from it, your hormones go all over the place, it messes up your period. but others say its absolutely fine LOL! one things for sure, you put on weight and your boobs go huuuuuuge!! i know ppl who were A/B went to a D wtf! :b

    i don't find condoms a problem tbh... i dont think id go on the pill either because although it's like 98% effective or sth? i'd still get paranoid, probs go on it when im older lol.... dont worry yourenot being selfish, you're helping her research on stuff enit? besides, your a guy- its understandable! lol
  11. cadeline

    cadeline Well-Known Member

    Spermicidal condoms causing infection? Not in my experience. Try Durex extra safe. Not all women can go on the pill and have no side effects. Weight gain is one of the side effects. I have a friend who used IUD and she had problems getting pregnant after removing it for years. So there is no real guarantee in anything. Go to the doctor and find a solution. I am sure the doctor will be more than happy to help. It's more likely that you feel embarrassed asking.
  12. auta

    auta Well-Known Member

    how come you cant be the one who wears the condom?
  13. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

  14. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

    just use condoms and buy morning after pills just in case the condom pops.


    I read some where, which i forgot but too much morning after pill is bad because it may decrease her chances of getting pregnant in the future.

    Use with caution mate!
  15. azncrazycooler

    azncrazycooler Well-Known Member

    me and my girlfriend are currently only using regular condoms with light lube on them. This way, it decreases the chance of having it rip from dry friction. Been using this method for years and I haven't had one condom break on me. It's great cause we can have regularly have sex. I personally can suggest Durex Sensi-Thin as well as crown branded condoms. Both are excellent condoms to use. I don't like trojan of any kind. Those get too dry for us and I had a buddy tell me he had his rip. Most condoms brands discontinued spermicide for a reason, I don't know why. I can currently only find Trojan making spermicide condoms. We talked about her going on the pill but she said she has a phobia of pills because she use to take pills a lot when she was younger cause she kept getting sick.
  16. Chibi12

    Chibi12 Well-Known Member

    ok, jus so u knw there is nothing wrong with spermicide condoms, if they were that dangerous to health, they wouldnt be sold, and as with infections, its the same with or without condoms, so are u sure its not jus u who dnt wana use the condom? The pill is another option, but considering the possible side effects compared to the condom, jus use condoms. I've been with my partner for 7/8 yrs, and we've only used condoms as a form of problems at all. So jus go out n buy urself a box or durex.
  17. Good advise, thanks
  18. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    just wrap your 'tool' if you can't control your urges.
  19. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Another reason why you should PIITB.
  20. schung23

    schung23 Well-Known Member

    i'm going to go with what "flaming" said : )