its also been redesigned slightly, i think they got rid of the shiny silver back and some other stuff
the fake iphone is called T-phone, and it has a 5mp camera with expandable memory i fink =O and its so much cheaper!!!
functions are worser though.. theres a lot of copy of iphones.. tphone ifone ephone etc.. so many lol
He hit me and they put the car in reverse, hit me again and then he reverse one more hit and just rammed my right side.
^ oh shit that sucks so bad... anyways.. finally got a laptop------- HP dv6853ccl, a little over $900 (ignore my messy-ness) thanks mom and dad
lol were u in the car watching all that happen??? it wouldve been funny from a person looking, but id be pissed of real bad if it was my car XD