Why you Should not post a picture of yourself on the Internet

Discussion in 'Random Picture Forum' started by Maverick, May 10, 2008.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Cheeks knows all about this -bigsmile

  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    hahhaha lmao funniest shit eva....dude got owned in the 4 black guys pic...
  3. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    If ya look at the link provided in the article, you can laugh even more.
    There are more pics -evil

  4. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hahahhaa thats quite funnyyyy
  5. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    This guy got more than he asked for, there are more then 100 pages of repliies and modified pics -evil
    Guess the PA folk were going easy on Cheeks, only one modified pic -bigsmile

    -shock He is doing Pedobear -shock
  6. oh shit... maybe i should delete that photoshop a room thread...
  7. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    haha, he got raped, lol , lol i bet some ppl on here will photoshop pics of ppl hehe ^^ ,
  8. marcopolo368

    marcopolo368 Well-Known Member

    he didnt just get raped.... he got raped by men!!!!
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    this reminds me of that chubby kid who gota photoshopped hahaha
  10. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    -shock lol. oh shittttt.. errrr :ohnoes:
  11. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol this is pretty fucking epic
  12. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    do wat dan does

    hide his own identity like this.......hahahahahaha.............but then dan didn't do it intentionally...he knows hes too ugly to show his face hahahaha jks jks man hahahhaha
  13. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    omg the one with the four black guys scares the crap out of me
  14. _keke_

    _keke_ Well-Known Member

    Noo way :eek: Poor guy hahah.. quite funny pics (A)
    damn... now im scared maybe i should delete all my pics here...
  15. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol too late ,we already Photoshopped them haha
  16. lol that was the most shocking, that was either a very good photoshop edit or dey are really homos
  17. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    lmao.... that 5th pic is funny :D
  18. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    gooood find! rofl off my seat almost
  19. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    lol!!!! That was too much..:xd: I feel sorry for him..lol It's true though, people can take your pics and do whatever they want with em..-unsure
  20. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    wait mav, where's the link to the site w/ more and more pics :D