Title self-explanatory... Anyways i watched the latest episode of house, anyways funny bit with dr. wilson and the cutthroat bitch looking for the bed haha....and house was house, but this time there was suspense build up cause he almost failed the patient. Was an okay episode i guess....
last tv show i watched was Heroes the flying to the beach scene was cute...the guy was very suave.....=p
Erm the last episode i watched was Bones, and just before that episode House, and just before that Numb3rs......I sooo cn go on and on cos every week i dl all the above and grey's anatomy, CSI and CSI:NY. So I watch the lastest episodes of this every week. In additions b4 they went on a break, i also dl and watched southpark. I also catch Topgear on british TV when the new series is on!! Keeps me busy lol!
Bones and House M.D. back to back on FOX! Tonight for Hell's Kitchen... I am on my toes for the next House since Amber + House = cheating on Wilson?! WTF.
Last show was Law and Order last night, where this woman kills her daughter because the daughter was staying over her male neighbour's house that the mother was messing with, so out of jealousy, she killed her. Then, the woman posed as her daughter online to get money out of this middle aged, married man, and then she convinced him to kill some guy that was involved somehow, but I forgot lol I think he was going to rat her out, so, she got the married man to kill him. By the way, I don't really like how Law and Order is now, Jerry Orbach is dead, Jesse Martin is gone, the character "Jack" doesn't even step foot in the courtroom anymore, some other person is in there now. I don't know, it's just not the same.
just watched the first half of house's season finale, the ending was pretty intense...it was funny as hell to see cuddy strip though hahahhaha....
Not to mention the preview implied that Amber and House has a fling!!! OMG, that's HUGE... And Amber MAY have to die... I love that brunette who is the pretend Amber though, really hawt.
lol she was a bond chick....i don't find her that attractive....i remember seeing her in love actually, she was one of the 3 "hot chicks" she was totally outshined.... Lol i didn't see the preview at all so i had no idea what was going on until like halfway through the episode.... But it's a shocking season finale no doubt.
I don't recognize her AT ALL, but she was hawt. And seriously, half way through I was suspecting about Amber (due mainly to Chase's hypnosis session) and when the necklace is referenced, I was so totally admiring myself by then This episode was quite well scripted, reminded me of "three legs" from season 1 (which was sheer brilliance). The opening was kind of weird though.
^lol i actually missed season 1 of house, started like halfway through season 2 lol so i dunno what you talking about...but yea the opening with the lap dance i was like WTF....but the fantasy sequences were hilarious. I thought it was too un-serious in the beginning though, then the mood just completely changed at the end. Anyways just watched smallville's season finally.....DAMN i waited 7 years for a 2 min scene.....disappointing...also a cliffhanger with lex in it....i thought lex gonna be gone next season wtf.....DAMN i hate their patterns of always putting in a cliffhanger.
^ My sis is currently on a Smallville obsession (know anywhere for DDL for THAT?) and she's like cursing all the way from here to Budapest about Lex leaving Smallville.
House Finale! It was so totally awesome but so annoying (which is just Wilson) that it would make a brilliant end to a series. And I keep on thinking that FOX may cut House as a show after all, with no news of commitment for the next season in place (YET). And OMG. I think I am in love with everyone (except for stupid Wilson). So much love for Cuddy.
the only show i actually watch every week is The Office...it's a grown up comedy...hilarious though...it's a dry comedy. it stars the guy from 40 year old virgin....for the older members here...check it out.
saw jericho yesterday, the serie just started over here, its pretty funny, but think it will get boring later on... more NCIS plz xD
The Office UK or The Office US? The Office UK was so much funnier... It's like when arrested development doesn't suck... But yeah, dry comedy, love the psedo-documentary/reality show look to it though. Jericho was another failed Lost, like 4400... It was awesome in the first few episodes, then everything just went downhill from there :( I wish 4400 had some stamina to its script, but it's just a monumental fail despite the awesome background... Jericho was much the same, nice idea, some problematic script.