poker chipsss....nice nice..... i need a set too...but the one i saw were $60....quite nice ones..but too pricy for me friend from hk brought me some gifts... this is my fave....huhu its sorta like a 2gig mini usb stick thingy lol...its really tiny...
thats the diNovo Edge.. I believe someone on here got one also.. I just took it out the box.. still contemplating whether I should take off the protective layer.. xD
Ooo pretty orchids. We have a lot of them in our house too! I bought these a few weeks ago, but I've been too lazy to take pics. So internet pics it is! Veronica Mars season 1 & 2. They were pretty addicting. I watched all the eps in a span of a week. 3rd season wasn't all that great though. Good thing I watched it over the net instead of buying it.
yep..i can imagine..its a whole box why dont you share it with us here -tongue2 but i like strawberries more i just ate a whole box with sugar!! yummie! pix of me lately..will come when i find my charger for my old cam..gosh..dont know where i left it..searching for days now..hope i didnt left it at some place ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ps..rth..if you dont want your cam..i wouldnt mind too get it from you for FREE since ur not using it i dont like wasting -tongue2 btw..congrats with ur ubersleek iPhone how is it? any luck with finding games/softwarez?
hahah I would.. who knows how long it will take for me to finish.. -rotfl strawberries are good too.. but can't eat as much cause of the size.. xD
woah $60 i have a poker chip set, it was cheaper than that. but anyway cool little usb stick. but why would u put that on ur mobile?
Yeah Ecko, nice choice. Bought it 2 month ago, LOVE it ^^ The way the lights turning on and off is so nice. But becarefull when u put it into the Docking station. My one already has a BIG scratch. B gentle
-shock from the docking station!?! hahah I kno.. i'm hella scared of scratches.. thats why I haven't decided whether to peel off the protective film yet.. >_< the volume bar is so fun to mess with.. lol