don't worry... my best friend is still single and he is 27yrs old... never had a gf but would like too... only dates now and then... best of luck to you
oh well ur prob young so its ok. its only a worry if ur single for 22 years and ur 40. now that would be a worry.
really enjoy the single life right now cause theres a lot more you can do when you are single single for 2 years now after a horrible relationship so yeah....
i am still single i am 22, but i rejected few people before. i dont like them i prefer i am single sometime, also i sometime i would prefer i could going out watch some movie with someone i like. so i am still waiting for the right person.
my longest time of being single was about a year but now i'm in a relationship that is currently my longest so far...2.5 years...<3
for those who are single and waiting for the right person are idiots or losers. there's never the right person but there's the best partner. go out there and start dating in discovering and searching for the qualities of the best partner. the bullshit talk about concentrating on school, work, etc. is just that you are making excuses. no one wants to be single. grab your balls and go surge. you will thank me later.
^ wow that's really up front. I think people have their reasons to be single. For me, I think Im just not ready for a relationship yet. I tried it once and ended up really breaking someone's heart :( Sometimes its better to remain single
There might never be the right person, but there can be the wrong person. Maybe some people have been in a couple bad relationships and dont wanna go through all that again. Or maybe to some people a relationship is not a high enough priority for them to put a lot of effort into finding someone. Of course no one wants to be single, but then again being in a relationship might not be that important to some people. Wahts the point of a relationship if you dont end up getting married? fun? you can have that with friends without all the formalities and costs that come with a relationship. I would hazard a guess that the majority of people that hook up in high school will end up breaking up... so what benefits would being in a relationship bring at that age besides the percieved social status boost?
each relationship serves as a experience (apart from bedroom) and through wrong relationships that you'll slowly learn what you really want in your so-called "right one" and plus, it makes you stronger to actually learn how to cope with relationships. It's not compuslory to have to marry that specific fella once you're in a relationship! but well, just my 2cents. People have their own set of thinking eh?
^^bingo! experience. you don't want to wait til your are 40 and don't know how to attract someone of the opposite sex. or same sex if you preferred. worst, you marry the first person you meet and not happy cause you are old. all because you didn't shop around. the point of a relationship and having friends is having fun but they are two different kind of fun. and the added bonus is not just sex.