Here are the stuff i bought in the Anime Expo on Saturday: Tsubasa & BECK DVD boxsets Loads of Mangas lol An evangelion model: EVA01
-shock revoltech eva01!!! damnn i've been meaning to buy one of those.. how tall n how poseable is it? hows the paint job on it? I want to get the metallic red one.. or I might get this..
approx 16cm tall (When standing up straight) and very poseable. The paint job very good in my opinion but im not a reg collector of models so i wouldn't know what to look out for. Within the one i have you only get a knife when your one gets a whole bunch of weapons lol. To show how poseable i made it take another form:
bought this i can play ps2 and composite devices on my pc =D yay it works! but too bad it only goes max 720x480 so that it doesnt lag.... any higher, and lag occurs.... only way to get around this is to reduce screen resolution, and its pure sex =D my second PC station
i have something which allows me to plug my ps2 into my monitor and also acts as a tv tuner with a resolution of 1024x768. Its the Gadmei TV Box
just hauled this in dancey1:jump: time to get more sexy time! and dan there's a ps2 emulator for the pc for dual cores.