ohh sure.. now you want to jump on the bandwagon.. xD theres like 10 diff gameplays I think.. or more... Deathmatch, Teamdeathmatch, Cops n Robbers, Racing.. and other ones... but I mainly just played team deathmatch.. xD
Oh.. looky looky.. hmm.. what can it be? dun dun dun!! I think I'll re-arrange some stuff when I get a chance.. -cool2
lol i hope that vintage is a joke! otherwise imma cry 4u i think they still use those types of t.v. for public schools science classes -/-
omg ive been wanting to get a guitar for a long time and i finally got one!! (well ordered) since i havent actually go it yet means No pix cept online ones!! And i also brought alot of picks!
^ no amps? no. it's not a joke thank you very much. unlike other people, some actually ENJOY having working vintages. and unlike other people, some don't have the money for a new set, so vintage is the only way to go >:[
^ was planning to see what it sounds like with my bass amp =| hopefully nothign blows up...but if no good i prolly buy a fender one
Bought the psp god of war bundle... Don't really like the color though its kind of pinkish red I'll give it a couple days prob will return it after beating god of war... want to get a different color psp...
ugly color for sure >.< Piano Black, Daxter PSP edition Silver, or Star Wars White edition looks way more better than that.. don't you have to pay restockign fee if you open it?
sorry but they lied... only walmart don't have restocking fee at this moment.. CLICK HERE FOR RETURN POLICY NOOB -whistle
who gives a shit? he can go and quote that a rep has told him there weren't any restocking fees. and if he's aggressive with the manager, there won't be a restocking fee, regardless what the policy states. rep said no fees, no fees.
im buying from a shop whos ordering it for me its around 71,400JPY + 1k HKD for delivery and placeing a 'special' order.. soo around 6,400 HKD in total??
I bought this yesterday. Very nice and soft sweater. Too bad it's getting too warm to wear it. And got this in the mail today!!! Ok so technically I didn't buy it, and my bro bought it for me, but still. It's awesome. This is compared to my old mp3 player. It's so light and tiny compared to my gigabeat.
you have no way to prove the rep said that. if you did not want to get hit with a restocking fee you should of gotten something written from the manager. since you dont have evidence you can do anything about it really. the name has been blurred out