How to tone up my flabby Arms

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by irwintee, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. irwintee

    irwintee Active Member

    Anyone can share their own experiences ?
  2. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    ive got uber flabby arms >________< it's like no matter if i lose weight, i never lose from my arms! so unlucky, i do weights wen i can be bothered- but not the way guys do it because that'll just make ur arms look muscley and madonna like. but i cant really explain how i do it either.. hahahaa :b i heard that ppl get massages done too.. or putting oil on ur body and just constantly rubbing/pinching the fat
  3. ummm... i heard doing light weights is good for toning arms... but if u want reall bulky arms then do heavy weights maybe...
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Push ups? And none of those "girl style" cheats either. It takes a while to get used to your own weight but once you get the hang of it it's very effective. It also tones back muscle (trapezius and rhomboid groups) and chest muscle (pectoris group)
  5. skywalka

    skywalka Well-Known Member

    i would not believe in the rubbing fat off thing...

    id think that you already know pretty much the answer to ur own question

    u can not have a "toned up" arms, and flabby body.
    its all about body fat percentage, its just that some areas seem to store up fat more ( like stomach)
    so if u just lower ur body fat percentage, ur arms will " tone up"
    if my definition of "tone up" is the same as urs, i would think u would need a bit of muscle.

    u lift weights when u can be bothered too...
    thats not going to do any good, ur body wont change (unless ur genetically gifted) by just randomly picking up weights
    u need to follow a program, do the same stuff, every week and lgradualy lift heavier.
    (this all sounds so obvious)

    and weight lifting/excercise is not the only thing.
    Nutrition and diet is very important. what ur supose to aim to do is no to eat more than ur body needs
    how do u do that? u count calories, follow a diet.
    just "trying" to stay away form fatty foods wont help (unless ur genetics alow u to). and fatty foods isnot the source to all ur problems( but than this is another essay to talk about)

    o about looking musculey, its not easy, (unless its in ur genes)

    if u really wanted to change u would do some research
    but i doubt it, id doubt you would even read everything i jsut typed

    if u really want to change, u have to really try,
    just cant "want to" and be not willing to do what it takes
    if u put in a halfass effort, you'll get a halfass result

    im sorry, i geuss im just venting... ranting about these typical people i always meet

    maybe ur different, i really hope so

    but, yeh already know the answers, i bet theres nothing new to u in the stuff i wrote

    go get it!
  6. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    hahaa that's some proper ranting!
    venting abt ppl like me -_-" sigh. hahahahahhaaa
  7. for girls light weights , ya'll notice results within a couple weeks but u have to be persistant and once you've done them properly they'll stick for years unless you're packing on pounds
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    my arms are gettin pretty toned atm, i usually do like 30 25 pound curls on both arms and then like 50-100 reps of 15 pounds each day, along with other freeweight exercises to build my triceps, shoulders and forearms. Also, running like 30-45 minutes a day is a good way to lower your overall body fat amount, there arent really any cardio type exercises that specifically targets your arms to my knowledge, but running should help if you do it enough.

    since your a girl, you'd probably just want to stick with low weight freeweights, girls with large biceps look pretty weird imo
  9. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    i have no problem with my arms. i figure that i need to work on my chest area. now that is an area which is quite hard to tone.
  10. kiba

    kiba Member

    use light weight ( <10lb)
    3 series of 20 repetitions of the same exercise with your arm AT LEAST 3 days a week

    do that with 3 differents exercises, each focusing on the biceps, triceps and shoulder.

    after 6 month, you should see some result.

    Of course you have to watch for what you eat too.
  11. artofwar

    artofwar Well-Known Member

    mauy thai will tone up your flabby arms, alot girls take it at my gym, they just don't sparr
  12. litadumas

    litadumas Well-Known Member

    well i think u need 2 burn da fat b4 u can tone so u should do lots of cardio
    thats wat i did and my arms r a lot skinnier now
  13. emawlee28

    emawlee28 Well-Known Member

    running for like 30 mins each day can lose .. fat all over ur body =]
  14. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol use the glad wrap way ^^ im pretty sure it works ' Espically when ur in Hot places like Sauna -devil
  15. marcopolo368

    marcopolo368 Well-Known Member

    or u could shake ur arms the whole day
  16. auta

    auta Well-Known Member

    haha i lol'd
  17. Chibi12

    Chibi12 Well-Known Member

    If u go to the gym, spend 20-30 mins on the rower, that work wonders, if not use weights n tricep dips etc. Unless u work intensively ur nt gona bulk up using weights, jus gona have nice toned arms!
  18. -steffi-

    -steffi- Well-Known Member

    i read some where(i forget where!!) that if you just hold your hands up in the air like in a Y shape
    until they get really tired its burning fat or something..and for your tighs you "kepp ju" a ball between them until they get really tired !!

  19. loung

    loung Member

    best way is to use light weights and to loads of reps to tone up ur arms.
    i prob suggest 8 kgs as a starter and keep it on 10 kgs max with dumbells.
    and if u have a bendy bar which i cant really explain properly lol but for those who go gym or work out should know , u should use that as well to take off some flab of arms if ur a guy that is.

    for gurls mainly use dumbells cos u dnt want to bulk up ur arms to much

    hope this helps

    ps. tried protien shakes ? might help =p