Pictures of stuff you recently bought!

Discussion in 'Random Picture Forum' started by stardust, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. ^ i see an alienware and a razer mouse :tear:
  2. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    lol that laptop is overpriced -^_^ compared to a fully nice built desktop.. i would get a desktop instead of that laptop :)
  3. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    how much was the alienware?

    @runtohell...nah gaming laptops are worth the money, since it lets you play on the go...unless of course you plan to lug your entire rig around
  4. exiled

    exiled Well-Known Member

    i got it for around $2500. I think gaming laptops are worth it since im going to be playing with it when im in college. i heard the professors are boring so ill just use the school net work to play a bit of tf2, some grid, and Street Fighter IV if the rumors are true and it comes out for pc.
  5. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    time for the uber post

    Mass Effect $49.99


    Beat the main story in 12 hours flat :( i thought it was going to be a 40+ hour game.... aarrrrgh atleast there will be 2 more hours of downloadable content coming

    Oakley Dictate 2.0's $400


    Custom plate - $78.95


    Marinated Sliced Beancurd - $4.49

    lotsa money spent this month
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    damn mass effect in 12 hours, did you do the sidequests at all...if not that gotta be the shortest new rpg ever next to fable lol...
  7. hahah thanks
  8. metzo

    metzo Well-Known Member


    Brought a pair of shoes =] also got a pair for gf =O
  9. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    are they bowling shoes?
  10. Ha haaaa!! somebody got a S5.. I think person's baller status just went up 10 folds!! You've seen my S5 too right? ;)

    Dude whys the 'E' photoshopped in there? -rotfl

    is that the same guitar as the pic you posted?
  11. ^ ecko, that's a bass, not the guitar in question lol 4 strings vs 6 strings
  12. damn.. I dunno.. looked similar..
  13. BigC

    BigC Well-Known Member

    I returned the psp today and their wasn't a restocking fee :D
    maybe its just around your way that their is a restocking fee >.<
  14. person

    person Well-Known Member

    You got an S5 too?!?! Yeeeah! *high 5*

    Anyways, went shopping again today. -__- getting poorer and poorer by the minute. Must stop shopping lol.


    Ok so the thing on the left, Universal Screen Protector for my mp3 I just got, kind of a need since I kept getting finger prints on it, and I hate that. The short shorts... well they were on sale at Bluenotes and I don't own a pair. They're sooo comfy. Might go and buy a few more.
  15. short shorts :naughty: -lol
  16. person

    person Well-Known Member

    ^ I bought them so it'll be easier when I go visit the clinic. =P
  17. don

    don ello

    omg im actually planning on getting one of is it?
  18. metzo

    metzo Well-Known Member

    Same brand same series, just that the guitar one is artist signature series =] but i dun fink they make my bass no more =(
  19. clinic? o_O
  20. exiled

    exiled Well-Known Member
