How to tone up my flabby Arms

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by irwintee, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    okay... ppl keep saying to do weights
    but that only gets you so far... you will still have flabby arms
    best thing to do is run cause it works out the whole body
  2. itzfannie

    itzfannie Well-Known Member

  3. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    the being of the exercises does the traps/back/ It really does not do anything for the arms...I saw the first 1 min of it only :) ...

    I think the OP wants to " spot" train, which some people dont believe in to get tone,

    but look at some body builders that have a super upper body but skinny legs, so it could be done. be it intentional, or unintentional
    The trick is to do high repetitons and focus on the muscle when lifting. As some ppl mentioned. use light weights. Do the lift properly, and dont " swing" the weight and use momentum to lift.

    The objective is high reps and Not heavy weights.

    Do like, 3 sets of 20 reps, with 1 minute rest in between.

    Hope this helps
  4. bearduck314

    bearduck314 Well-Known Member

    thank you for all the tips , i will used them soon
  5. Nawainruk

    Nawainruk Well-Known Member

    Pressing a wall describes a basic isometric exercise, Moonie. It would work your chest, shoulders and triceps a little, but since the resistance never changes, you would only get so much work, and it wouldn't do a thing for your back and biceps muscles. Push-ups and pull-ups would be a better way to work all of the muscles of your upper body including your arm muscles. I would start out with those exercises, but again, once you got used to the resistance (your own body weight), you would have to keep adding more reps and more sets.

    Why not get a few pairs of dumbbells and learn the specific exercises for your upper body? You can do several kinds of exercises for your back, chest, shoulders and arms in a short amount of time. Try dumbbell rows (one handed) for your lats, pressses and flies (lying on your back) for your chest, and lateral raises and overhead presses for your shoulders. For your arms, do curls for the biceps and kickbacks or extensions for your triceps.

    If you're new to weight training, buy a session at a gym with a trainer to learn all of these exercises. Or you can buy Weight Training for Dummies by Liz Neporent and Suzanne Schlossbrg, I.D.G. Books. It's a great beginner's guide to weight training.

    Those are the exercises, Moonie; flab is the problem. You store fat on your arms, I store fat around my middle. You need to reduce your overall body fat. If you increase your muscularity through weight training, and burn more calories by doing cardiovascular exercise, you'll like your arms and the rest of you much better.

    You should do weight training two or three times per week and do some aerobic type of exercise (walking, running, cycling, in-line skating) three-five times a week for 30-45 minutes. You'll firm up your arms and your body, and be in better overall condition.
  6. slick25

    slick25 Member

    swimming does help in toning..
  7. schung23

    schung23 Well-Known Member

    push up and weights.
  8. hiyoo

    hiyoo Well-Known Member

    #28 hiyoo, Jul 10, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2010
  9. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    "Spot" training CAN be done... "Spot" weight loss CANNOT be done... there is a difference... if u do 1,000 bicep curls a day with 50lb weights, ur biceps will be bigger than ur head because u built muscle... fat on the other hand, doesn't matter where u work, will come off u from wherever ur body wants it to first...

    for a "toned" body, u want to do light weights, high repetitions, and lots of running to get rid of the fat... flabby arms are FAT...