I've been through so many it's not funny. Should I wait until I find the right one, or go for it? I'm really shy so, what should I do?
If you've been through "so many," shouldn't you be the expert? And what's the point in posting if you're not going to respond back to this thread (like in all the other threads you've made or repsonded to)? Troll.
lol , ofc you should date agian, a new love mends a broken heart ^^ , if the old dont go , the new dont come
[sarcasm]Of course not! Once you break up, you should just quit trying to start a relationship again.[/sarasm]
i think u should wait for a while cos ur guna go for a rebound relationship n that aint fair on ur partner..
you shouldnt like do it right away but yeah you should start dating again after you feel a bit more comfortable
lol yer listen to Flaming, if u get a broken heart, just stop trying, U Fail ! just be a Gwa Lo forever lol !
Have trouble dating asian, then date korean, have trouble with korean, then date american, have trouble with that, then date indian, and etc
you're really shy but you've been through so many relationships? wow, what so all the girls you go with take inititive? anyway, if you're fed up getting it broken then just chill for a while, go with the flow
unless it's rebound for both parties...then that could be fun...no strings attached. might help in getting over heartbreak...i say date again if you feel you're ready...just better smarter about it next time.
hmmm im in ur situation lol but im over it now... just chillin around for now and wait until i find right one to date again
lol follow Akki's advice, fail with chinese Date Indian, Fail with American Date Indian, Fail at Life Date Indian -headbang2
I said that...-noclue-noclue-noclue and whats with you changing everything to indian?!?!? Hmmmm.... Phil has indian gf??? xD