^^ It's only a problem if you're just like every other guy shes dated but if you're different to them, treat her differently etc...then thats another story
i wouldnt mind. actually virgins are more naive and innocent. so i would prefer it if he werent a virgin
yeah thats pretty much why a non virgin is better lol a virgin partner is only fun if you're a virgin yourself..then both can explore into it hah
lol its usually better if both are virgins, or both arnt virgins, so less hassle, would i mind? prob not, after all , i like her for who she is, and wheather if she isa virigin or not
If I was still single and virgin, I didn't care if he was or wasn't a virgin. All that matter was that he was willing to respect me and my decision to stay or not stay a virgin. I wouldn't want him to pressure me into having sex every second.
for those ppl that mind if their significant other was a virgin, are you a virgin yourself? kinda not fair to expect 1 if you're not 1 urself
i guess every1 hope their partner r still virgin but nowadays very rare adi......i wont mind my partner r not virgin but i will mind if she cheating on me
how would you feel if ur bf/gf had sex with their ex but with you they don't want too? What does that tell you?
ahahahaha these posts are so funny. I would like my bf to be a virgin so it would be a lot more special if sex ever happened. You shouldn't give up your virginity to anyone. You should wait for "the one" or whoever "the one" seemingly is at the time haha
Virgin or not is a state of mind. A lot people do foreplay and claimed that they are still virgin, which in fact no longer consider as one. So long my bf is not those that will sleep around, I think it should be fine for me.
I do mind. But it also depends on the situation, if she/he is no longer a virgin, I will at least want to know how many different partners they had and how much I like this person whether or not to accept.
it depends how old you are i guess...if you're like 16, then i would hope they were a virgin..but if you're like 40, then you'd hope not..make sense?