OMFG....this is the worst news i've heard so far, i practically bought a ps3 for this. it's like HALO 3 going over to the PS3....damn fuck Square Enix and Sony!
On the plus side at least the ps3 version wont come on 20 odd multi dvds. I have to say though with practically all third party games going/gone multi platform, the cheapo 360s are starting to sound tempting even with its reliability problems.
watch it comes on one dvd....then the ps3 version wouldn't be able to live up to it's potential... this is officially the stupidest move sony made ever. now even the japan fans might adopt the xbox as their console because xbox 360 has more exclusive JRPGS (Star Ocean 4, Timed exclusive for Last Remnant and also several JRPGS from the previous creator of Final Fantasy) Ps3 got shit. Have to admit there's nothing sony can come back with unless they cancel the xbox 360 version, but that's not gonna happen, instead it may happen the other way around like Star Ocean 4. If that day comes i'm seriously selling my ps3.
I don't see what's wrong with it going on the Xbox I was going to buy a ps3, but not for the sole reason to play ff13 alone. Games that are console-exclusive are just stupid imo.
The thing that is wrong: Is Halo coming to PS3? Nope (i think microsoft paid them very good on this. so no hope) Is Gears of Wars Coming To PS3? Nope Is Mass Effect Coming to PS3? Nope Is the Future KOTOR coming to PS3? Probably Not Is Metal Gear Solid 4 going to XBOX? Anything can happen now. FF13 is one of the most anticipated title for the ps3, probably one reason to pay the premium. And now we got screwed. We passed up chances to play several AAA titles for this console when the alternative (buy a xbox 360), we would've been able to play every great including final fantasy. that's what piss me off. And i agree console exclusives are pretty stupid, but that's the selling point of the system. I never cared for God of War 3 since it is a relatively new franchise. But now i feel really ripped off because i can't play any xbox 360 exclusives, but i coulda played every game with the xbox 360.
im an very angry, i wanted to post this, but u were a few step quicker than me but anyway yeah ffx on 360 wohooooo come on!!!! fuck the ps3 lol btw not sure if anyone saw my other post about my 360 got 3 red light n need to sent if off, well to let u guys know i got it back today, got a refurbished one, working alrite atm, pretty noisy though, sounds like its gonna blow up
lol yer , wtf , FF is like Playstation and Nintendo Only, screw 360! , still it'll be better on ps3 anyway
man fuck versus that's coming probably like a year after ff13, shit it might be announced for the xbox later or it might jump ship. Xbox 360 no doubt won this round. not even halo 3 on ps3 would reverse this. add to the fact that xbox has star ocean 4 exclusively. I don't think PS3 can come back for this show, they just ruined their rep and their chance to outselling the xbox in the console wars. the worst thing is it was announced as an exclusive 2 years ago and now it's a slap in the face...and b/c ff13 is being ported to 360 and has the same release date as ps3...that just means it will delay for us. Now i know why they were soo quiet about ff13 on E3....the momentum for sony was soo fucking high now it drops so bad. just hope other 3rd party developers won't jump ship for the exclusives, wait there is none!
^lol lucky thats a first party developer game lol...but what if the developer changes oops...but yea you don't play ff so you don't care. i bought the ps3 for ff13 more than mgs4...i feel mugged man, all i can hope for now is that the multiplatform development wouldn't affect the quality of the game since most multiplaform games don't look as good as if they are developed solely for one platform and hope it wouldn't delay it too far as it's not like i'm gonna play games for that long anymore lol...
OMG >.< i heard the news too freaken messed up now the ps3 has no unique or exclusive game >.> other than mgs4 and i for one am a 360 hater (sorry)
Well, sony dropped the ball on this shit, now who would bother buying a PS3 at this point. especially now that you can get an Xbox360 for 299. The main reason i bought a PS3 was for RPG's.... and as it stands the 360 has a far better library... Lost Odessy looks pretty slick.
yup we got jipped for the jrpgs...look at star ocean 4 and we get last remnant in 09 while xbox gets it this year....
i might buy the 300 dollar Xbox anyway, i need a media center for my basement TV that star ocean game looks cool though... but the narrator sucks anus Here is a better angle of ff13 on 360. I am also surprised that devil may cry & resident evil wasn't kept exclusive for ps3...
ew...this is gross. even if they make kH3 and keep it only on the ps3, i don't think sony can save itself now. and they better not port versus too, that'd be lame.
Pwned bitchsssssss Can't believe this actually happened though. FF13 was the only game that REALLY REALLY REALLY made me wish I bought a PS3 instead of 360. Lucky me. -^_^