Source: same functionality as the 40gb but double the hd for the same price... Edit: The 80gb PS3 will be available for $399.99 in September of this year...
i've pretty much lost hope that the ps3 will outsell the xbox but anyways yeah that walmart deal was better still.... i coulda probably find a 120gb hd for only 50 bucks. since this lacks the software emulation gpu, it's not really worth it, well unless they are gonna announce software emulation on all ps3 consoles maybe that's the reason they cancel the systems with that ability? don't bet on it though sony has disappointed us more than once.
lol i can't believe ur actually that pissed off that FF13 is gonna be multiplatform... Sony still have exclusives like GT5, Tekken 6, Disgaea 3, GoW, etc... Sony's system is in principle better, and can only get better due to it's fw updates... it's the only system that can utilize this to it's fullest potential... What Sony ultimately has going for them is that their system still hasn't hit maximum potential yet... and they won't have to spend money funding new hardware R&D for a few more years... Exclusive titles require a company to splash cash... and frankly this generation just isn't coming down to exclusive titles nemore since most of them are first party titles anyways... Halo 3? it's generally a bust of a title... COD4 rapes Halo 3... Winner of this generation is who can dish out the most media... not just games... the fact that M$ is partnering up with Netflix for movies and Sony's starting to sell movies and rentals soon is proof of that... btw... the Wii's pretty fcked... seriously... Wii Sports Resort?!? SERIOUSLY!?
this is an interesting development...but hopefully this will put the ps3 into the mass market and get people playing it
yea the new generation of gamers usually think of the system as more for the media, thats why we have 100 fps titles around with almost no innovation whatsoever and multiplayer is more focused than gameplay storyline. other than gt5 and tekken 6 (both of which are also games with almost no storyline/ more multiplayer focused), all the exclusives for ps are really pretty damn new or not AAA titles really. Why does gamers buy different systems? it's mostly because they have more than one great unique game to distinguish themselves from others. And i know now that most people are just buying the ps3 for the blue ray. If it wins in the console wars, it's because they succeeded as a media hub. Not because it's a great gaming console similar to the ps2. When you ask gamers why they would buy the ps3 instead of xbox 360 now, there's really no motivation behind the games but instead it's because of the extra features. And also because of the same announcement, it might actually disprove that playstation 3 is actually better than xbox in anyway, since ff13 is supposed to push the boundary of the ps3 and now xbox is able to run the same game at the same time. By track record for the multiplatform games, the xbox 360 edges out in the quality. So will this mean the ff13 game we will be getting is actually dumbed down or will it be apparent that ps3 doesn't have that much advantage over xbox 360 at all and the "ps3 is future" announcement is just a bunch of lies, just like they said that ff13 will only be able to run on ps3 and the white engine is using 4 out of the 6 available cores. Square enix have lied to us for like 3 years since ff13 was announced that's why i'm pretty pissed. The movie rentals don't attract the audience that doesn't have to buy the movies though lol, not a service i would care about. Also one more thing about the playstation 3 is since we heard soo much crap about it being in the future, and that just gives it excuses to actually delay or cancel it's games. really i had the patience before e3 to wait, everyone was hoping for gow III announcement yada yada yada, but i was hoping for ff 13 announcement on ps3 and a hopeful near announcement of it's release date. but now since it's announced on the xbox and that they have the SAME release date (i can care less about japan). Guess imma have to wait and wait.....and wait while my ps3 collects dust.
Halo 3 a bust title? lol.... COD4 is a good game and all but I still think GOW (Gears of War) is better... and with Gears of War II coming out soon I still say that 360 has a better selection of titles than the ps3...
well if u want to argue based primarily on games u can take a look at 360 exclusives... there's only about 5, at most 10 that are of real mentioning... and even then, multiplatformers like COD4 take the wind out of these exclusives... That pretty much goes the same way for Sony as well... there's only about 5, maybe up to 8 exclusives on the PS3 side that's worth mentioning as well... and of the multiplatformers, it's really come down to the respective game developers to achieve equal performance... I've seen plenty of reviews of EA games on both systems and in general 360 came out on top, but GTA4 was a complete reversal thanks to the utilization of the PS3 HD... using the same argument, we still don't know how the graphics for FF13 will turn out on the 360, CGI cut scenes aside... how will gameplay be affected overall? for all we know this could be just a recent development... FF13 has been in the works for a long time... it might rly be designed for the PS3 and ultimately ported over to the 360... it figures it would be easy to do since the 360 has always been the easier of the two to develop for to begin with... in the end, the ported version would have to lose out somewhere as there are physical restrictions primarily size of media... i mean if it's just ur personal preference of games so far that's ticking you off... that rly sucks for you... u coulda waited till the games release if FF13 was the only reason why u got a PS3...-_-2 yeah it is... i mean sure it got high ratings... but seriously... after u beat the story(which of course is to each their own, but imo left something to be desired) u sit there and u realize... wtf... i paid $60 for slightly better graphics and essentially the same game... the weapons/vehicles got a minor tweak and u got new maps... and that was it for Halo3... replay wise COD4 kills it... complete customization for each player to your own specific playstyle? in an FPS?... Gears is a good game I mean it was one of the few FPS' that I really enjoyed playing the entirety of, unlike Halo where u kill flood on a ship for at least 3 hours in each installation -.-;... but come on... u can beat it in like 4hours if ur real good and played it a few times through...-rolleyes
yea i got jipped trusting ps3 is the only place you can play ff13....that was pretty much the main game for me next to gta IV at the time, gta IV already disappointed, now thinking ff13 might too damn. but if we are to balance rpg exclusives for the xbox vs ps3 that i care about.... pre-July 14.... ps3 has FF13 vs. 360 which has fable 2, mass effect, star ocean 4, lost oddysey, last remnant (timed exclusive) It was fine to me, i'm willing to give up playing 5 for 1 because ff13 can balance out, but now look. ps3 lost exclusivity and i can't play 4 titles and 1 in 08 (ps3 getting last remnant 09).... rpgs are the only games i feel like it's the best bang for the buck, cause honestly multiplayer is pretty much similar in every game, you go out shoot some people, get points. play the same thing time and time again. and all those games announced as exclusive for ps3 with the exception of probably GT5, probably has like less than 10 hour single player in them and the rest is multiplayer. traditional gaming on ps3 feels dead. worst yet, most games are designed for multiplayer but the playstation network is not robust enough like xbox live, so shit isn't that fun. And the port thing, well i think since square enix is really sucking microsoft's dick atm (evidence everywhere), i think they'll actually focus on the xbox 360 version more, so in the end we'll most likely get the dumbed down version. Well but then i guess you don't really care for ff13 huh, lol if you did you'll be just as pissed.
^no lol... i care for FF13... but then again i have both systems but rly... i got the 360 first... and that was because i knew games like Fable2 were coming... and I knew that EA games and most sports games in general run smoother on the 360... i was willing to wait out MGS4, GTA4 and all PS3 exclusives... and it's not because i don't care about them... its because at the time... there really wasn't an advantage for picking up a PS3 =/
if you think about it.. 80 isn't enough.. I'm looking to upgrade my drive.. my 40gb is almost filled up... I mean either way you look at it.. even with some of those games going multiplatform.. ps3 still the better media entertainment device.. might not have that many great games out.. but another year or two and ps3 will completely dominate the market.. just look at the ps2..