lol this is a good series, just watched ep1 , lol at hins wanting to buy a drink ! Ken is Ben ! Michelle and Ben ^^ are these the newcomers of 08? lol bout horseriding ! pay back that $3.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol just watched the 4 eps, lol its pretty funny, so much cameos tho lol, like EO2, Hotcha, Ella Koon, Hins , and etc, lol kinda funnnier than the ones before it, Hearts of Fencing and Sunshine Heartbeat, cept too muich new comers lol
no, Hotcha are Students, and they gave Mandy the gift? lol this looks pretty funny with the Pairings, but the most Epic Scene; was Hins and Baby U Hurt me so bad !
whos jason and fiona? lol i relaly hope boy and nel never get together? they really annoy me ? i mean wtf is Nel doing?
lol O, Fiona and Jason are Cameos, lol i cant wait to see Alex Fong, lol these Four Leaf Clover series have heaps of cameos tho, lol Hins - Baby u Hurt me so Bad !
omg fiona is soOo crazy at episode 6 xDDDD hm... is it just me or ... michelle looks a bit like fiona : O
everytime i see michelle....she always frowning or sumfin T___T and is it just me but how comes most newbies that i see..girls mainly they always talk in dat baby clingy voice? maybe thats the way they talk but still a bit jarring...
-spam-offtopic i wonder if there's guna be another miniseries like Dressage to win? i hope there is...cos its so far so good...
lol i reckon Michelle does look like Fiona, and maybe her Personality, lol too bad this is a uber short series tho, i mean 20mins ep? should be at least 40 lol