Yesterday was the worst day ever, there was a problem with the sub station that was supplying electricity to my area, the houses were without electricity until next morning when the problem is fixed. I had to use many candles to light the area up. It was really boring though. Imagine if this problem happened with you?
I've had a whole night without mains electricity, but thank god for batteries and gadgets that utilize such technology such as MP3 player, PSP and mobile phones
A few years ago in my area the power was out for about a day or two, can't remember. To kill time me and my cousin went out biking and we had to hotpot, at night it was hot without the ac lol and we lit up some candle and took out the flashlights. I thought it was pretty fun XD
oh man... that really sucks... but if that were to happen, i would probably call up some friends with my cell and see what we can do for the rest of the time the electricity was out
imagine 30+ hours without electricity! Last year, my neighborhood had an outage and I was bored as hell. And I didn't want to go out because it was raining crazily. Then my ipod was running out of battery! And I played my DS until it was dead. then I put some batteries in a stereo and played CDs while I jumped around. LOL (yeah, I'm kinda weird)
not as weird as if you jumped around naked with no lights on -whistle ... they sell flashlights that you can crank and get radio and stuff is about 15 bucks for canada
man i used to have really long blackouts all the time i thought they were fun, even though i was like .. terrified of the dark as long as there's someone else with you, it's cool and yeah, now there's my ds
lol yer , my longest was like 1 day, lol we had to eat instant noodles and all i did was play DS, lol was very gay tho, so dark........ lol
if no electricity happened to me i would feel pissed cos Imagine u were watchin tv and it was the last chapeter of a film and it cut off then? dam i would be bare annoyed like..
Yeah, it was definitely boring after the batteries died out from my DS, PSP, Mobilephone. It was also bare hot and so many moquitoes about.
we had a power cut a few months wasnt that bad i guess..cos it was still light... but we had candles afterwards...we ate already so meh... plus had like board games to keep us occupied...^^ i think worst thing would be to have no water for a whole day.. that did happen but luckily it was only for a couple hours...
never had one hat lasted half an hour. if i am alone when one happens id be bored so bored without my internet connection.
YUPno least u got torches and candles... but no water = lots of stuff u cant do... so thank god my water cut only lasted for a few hours..