Hey everyone, So this past weekend, I was at Montreal for a dragon boat festival. I met this really cute girl and we hit it off really well. Started to like her and I thought just maybe there could be a chance to hook up, and BAM, I find out she has a boyfriend. My co-cap is telling me that from what he was seeing, she had some interest in me as well. But it's very slim for something to happen right? It just seems like what he's telling me is getting my hopes up just a tad bit high, which is something I don't want, in case things turn out crappy. What do you guys think? I think maybe I should just move on?
Well, you won't know what happens. You can't guarantee she'll accept you but there's no guarantee she won't. So what the heck, go and try it out. Go for it! There's no loss right? She accepts and you have a new gf. She doesn't accept and you'll just go back to the way you began.
well no harm in trying. better try now or regret later of not trying at all. however, what of her boyfriend though?? that is really important part.
I don't know much about him...or how long they've been dating. All I know is that my friend asked her friend and said yes, she does have a boyfriend.
Well, sometimes when girls say they have a boyfriend, it doesn't necessarily mean she really does. Anyway, even if it's true, you should ask yourself if you're willing to risk it and tell it to her. As long as she's not married, she can still make a choice. But if she says no then back off. You gotta respect her decision.
tell what to her? that i'm interested? well, i was going to when dropping her off, but there was another person there and i got too shy to say it.
Of course tell her you're interested. Isn't that wat you're asking in here? Find the right time, right place and right setting to do it lo. Ask her out la.
fuck, that friend might have been a damn cockblocker... dude, just find out for yourself, be like.. so.. seeing anyone?
LoL. Yes, he could be, but my friend and her friend know each other well cause they were on the same dragon boat team. So I don't think he would lie to her. Hmm. O.O
The Man Laws on this subject stipulates that if said BF is your personal friend... girl is off limits... otherwise, if there's no ring, do your thing!
yo man u better watch out if u do acknowledge her even more....imo girls with bf r offlimits in terms of developing interest and it does happen a lot when i do meet girls and they got bf's and i just back away and move on and maybe one day she'll b single and i will too....and sometimes u dont know who u're dealing with in terms of the girl's bf cause he could find all these things out and come at u when u dont expect it
you can make the choice, if she truly likes or love her bf, she will tell you to back off, if not, then keep going.
Hmmm, It seems like I'll just go through with it..and just see where this takes me. I mean, I'm basically split in between. I want to go for her..and then I don't cause of her bf. And I'm getting advice from both sides..so I'm just @_@. LoL. But In the end I'll put some thought into this.
^^^^^ anyways, you only get one chance....use it wisely but if you get too close to her bff-ish youll screw urself over too... if she is hot, and you insist on pursuing...get ur machette ready for her bf lol (you probably dont think this is funny) ________ grow medical marijuana
^^^^ Puuahah. Well, in some cases, that is a situation I'd like to avoid. But anyways, it just looks like I'm going to play my hand carefully like a hand from Big 2. /end stupid comment