bank holiday is only for ppl who work at bank! thats stinkssss.... ---------------------------- Ima go c Andy lauuuu in Sydney!!! Yaaaayyyy~ hohohohoho
melb cup is also a public holiday for schools lol !!!11111111111 we also need the teachers to go on Strike so more holidays lol
thats only for the mexicans that live south of the border... u do know what a PUBLIC holiday means rite phil? EVERYONE gets it off hahaha
But.. can't just one state have "public" holidays and not the other states? Isn't that why only some states have the Queen's BDay, and WA don't celebrate it?? When it was APEC here, it was called a public holiday for NSW.
Omg Phil. You gotta be kidding lol. The HSC and the BOS is one of the best education systems in the world. Pschh.. When there is going to be the national curriculum in 2011 or whenever, I heard its gonna be based on the BOS current syllabus. Yea, anyways I was trying to look for advice for subject selection lol. See what other PA members have chosen for their HSC and their UAI's.
i know the truth hurts phil... but no1 recognises vce maybe u should get out of ur lil imaginary world (aka melbourne) lol hahahha
i did mine a few years ago... (well mayb more than just a few hahha) but its been changing ever since... it's still advisable to do advanced eng, 4u maths to and score decently in them to get a nice UAI i believe the sciences still scale up (ie chem and phys), but im not a fan of the syllabus no more, its more of an "english" sub than science i find... it kinda turned into essays n stuff my advice would be, u don't have to do what u plan to do in uni, just get a decent mark so u can get into uni to do the course u want =)