THE ENDING (Spoilers for those who haven't seen it)

Discussion in 'Best Selling Secrets - 同事三分親' started by love_of_tvb, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. love_of_tvb

    love_of_tvb Well-Known Member

    I just watched the ending, and here are some spoilers for those who want to know:

    Ok, so first Lau Wah tells the audience what happened during the past two years, since it takes place two years later.

    - Tin Jun Lo becomes a top chef, as named as one of the best by the French. He wins many awards as well.

    - After Candy breaks up with her boyfriend, she dates over 20 guys, and becomes a part time love consultant at a company that refers people to the ones who want to have a love partner.

    - Yan Yan gets spotted by star searchers (those who look in the streets for probable celebrities) for 18 times during the two years and becomes a model. But, for all the pictures that are taken of her, it's just her legs and arms, which is why no one knows of her.

    - Lily is going to marry a man whose job is to help people ship stuff around the world (like DHL or UPS) next month.

    - Gary becomes a CEO's assistant and as well as [Ying's] law consultant.

    - Tam Goo Leung (the one who used to dress as an old lady and claims to have alot of money, and knows how to save money) decides to forget about her money and spends half of it to beautify herself. She marries Lee Gung Zi (Vincent's best friend, Carrie's ex-boyfriend).

    - Marco left [Ying] one year ago and brought "Ho Wan Bar" with all his savings and money with Lulu.

    - Lulu did whatever that was possible to keep track of Marco's money, but did not force Gary to get married with her.

    - Ah Yat earned many awards for his many advertisement productions. In the upcoming year, he will be traveling to Africa, the U.S., and Australia for business reasons
    and is still deciding on where his baby should be a citizen in.

    - Ming Leung (Ah Yat's wife) is three months pregnant.

    - After touring on a cooking trip for half a year Yuen Min Cheung (May May's bro) came back to opened a place for people to learn to cook the top ten dishes. He and Doris established a "happy family."

    - After working hard for two years, Tung Tung (Kawaii) became one of Japan's top phorographers as well as earning many awards.

    - Alien got accepted into Oxford University's language course in England.

    - Lau Wah married Chu Chu and opened a computer company. People think he grew taller, but in reality he is just wearing a high heel shoe. He even invented his own 'virus-free' software and gave everyone a copy.

    - Chu Chu married Lau Wah.

    - Yin Wah Boon (Vincent's bro) is not a doctor anymore, but a director for [Ying]. He replaced Vincent and made [Ying] even more wide known.

    - Wong Kon Lap (Ka Nam's brother) was switched to one of [Ying's] fundraiser for children in the poorer countries due to the fact that he totally messed up one of [Ying's]
    project a year and a half ago, resulting in a huge loss of money.

    - Two years ago, Useless Mo decided to break up with Queenie, but came back to Hong Kong two weeks after going to Beijing with Kau Jun to further expand thier [Din
    Goua Advertising Company]. He married Queenie and is now the father of twins.

    - Queenie quitted her job as a CEO at "Joe Yu Chim," which was sold to Dai Goh Gam (Alien's dad). Queenie married Useless Mo and gave birth to twins, a baby boy and a baby girl, becoming a housewife. According to Useless Mo, he only takes care of his kids at home, but when they go outside, Queenie has to do all the jobs. But, she is still "evil" as the way how she was trying to enroll her kids into some school on the phone.

    - Yin Ying Ming put down all his jobs to travel around the world with Ng Hang as it is her wish to do so. He takes a look at his granddaughter's ultrasound and claims that she is cute.

    - Ng Hang, along with Yin Ying Ming travel aroung the world.

    - Luk Jit becomes a college graduate student. He calls Vincent 'Dad.' He will soon become a brother to Ka Nam and Vincent's daughter. He shows everyone his sister's ultrasound.

    - Since two years ago, after Ka Nam proposed to Vincent, he stays with her in the U.S. He also told her to stay in the U.S. so she doesn't have to travel around and be clumsy. He will soon become a father to a baby girl.

    - Ka Nam is pregnant, and since Vincent told her to stay in the U.S., she did not attend the gathering back in Hong Kong. She will give birth to a daughter soon.

    - Diana is still the CEO of [Ying].


    - Mag Castle wishes to work with an advertising company in Hong Kong. Mr. Tony Ko, a Chinese guy is now the head.

    - Tony Ko's favorite dessert is Creme Brulee.

    - Diana goes to the hotel and finds that Tony Ko is actually Kau Jun. He stays in the same room of that hotel everytime he is in Hong Kong, because Diana first called him as BB Hun (baby bear) at the room 2041 of that hotel a few years ago.

    - Everyone looks at the magazines and chat about Mag Castle's Tony Ko.

    - After a meeting, Kau Jun tells Mr. Min (Queenie and Diana's dad) to allow his daughter, Diana to marry him. He proposes to Diana.

    At the wedding of Kau Jun and Diana:

    - The wedding was stopped when her aunt announced that Ah B (probably one of Queenie and Useless Mo's twin) wetted his pants.

    - But then, everything went back to norman.

    - Kau Jun and Diana kissed afterwards and took a photoshot with everyone.

    --- I suppose that Useless Mo and Queenie were not the best man and maid of honor because they were married already. And, married people who attend a wedding can only be the ones standing next to the bride and the groom and not the best man and maid of honor, which is probably why Tung Tung became the maid of honor and Luk Jit was the best man. And I also suppose that Luk Jit's grandmother ended up with Vincent's dad since her arm was around his arm when they attended the gathering at [Ying's] canteen. Ok, I'll just say that Tung Tung and Luk Jit ended up together since they went to look at professional cameras at a store. I mean Luk Jit could have brought Alien along. Let's just say that, if it makes us a whole lot happier. Yeah, that will make a happy ending.---
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Man oh man... I can't believe that fitted all that they did into the last episode. I mean, TVB is notorious for coming up with some far fetched story endings, but this one sure takes the cake LOL...

    Wow... so its finally over... :biggthumpup:

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You !!!

  3. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    tbh i think it went too fast and main thing was just explaining what happened after 2 years ..lmao
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    That's TVB for ya; when they can't come up with a good plausible ending, they create a scenario where anything can happen... ie, several years later.
