Olympics are fake [evidence]

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by emawlee28, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. emawlee28

    emawlee28 Well-Known Member

    Are you enjoying watching the fake Olympics? By "fake," of course, I'm referring to all the fabrications that have emerged since the opening of the event. Each day, it seems, brings news of yet another fabrication by China. Here's a short list of the fabrications that have been discovered so far:

    • The weather is fake: Beijing is usually a smog pit with air so polluted that city-dwellers there almost never see the sun. To artificially clean up the air and create the image that Beijing is a clean city (it isn't), Chinese officials ordered the shutting down of virtually all manufacturing plants, coal-fired power plants, and automobiles. They've basically shut down Beijing to create the impression that it's a clean city, and when there's still smog, they just call it, "mist." (Tony Snow couldn't have spun it better, huh?)

    • The free speech is fake: All the freedom protestors who might have spoken out against China during the Olympics have been arrested and imprisoned, thereby creating the impression that there is no public dissent in China. (Need a kidney, anyone? Organs are suddenly available...)

    • The opening ceremony was faked: The fireworks displayed during the opening ceremony were faked using pre-programmed computer generated images. Instead of watching live fireworks, viewers around the world were actually watching 3D computer animation.

    • The Internet access is censored: Reporters from around the world have all had their internet access censored by Chinese authorities, restricting them from accessing websites that might be "dangerous" (like sites on religion or meditation).

    • The singing was lip-synced by a pretty girl to replace an ugly girl: It turns out the beautiful voice singing the opening song of the ceremony did not belong to the face of the girl who was lip-syncing it. The actual singer, it turns out, was a bit too ugly to represent China, so they faked it and replaced the girl's face with a cuter-looking girl who lip-synced the whole performance. Millie Vanilli, anyone?

    • Swimmer Michael Phelps' food is fake: Consuming a whopping 12,000 calories a day, Michael Phelps is a junk food junkie powered by empty calories. While you can get away with that when you're 23 and exercising six hours a day, if Phelps continues his ingestion of fake food beyond his peak training years, he'll soon have REAL diabetes and obesity. Fat makes you float, by the way, so it might actually provide real buoyancy to his swimming career...

    • The ages and passports are faked: The Chinese gymnastics team won gold, helped in part by a tiny gymnast who, according to China's own media, was 13 years old just nine months ago. Amazingly, she is now 16 years old, which just happens to be the minimum age to compete in the Olympics. This astonishing acceleration of aging is, of course, fully denied by Chinese authorities who provided forged passports for the girl to "prove" she was really 16. The IOC apparently has no interest in investigating this apparent fraud.

    So I hope you're enjoying the fake Olympics. Most of the athletes are real, of course. Their remarkable feats of human artistry, strength, endurance and athleticism are real, but the whole show surrounding it is fake, fake, fake! It's all a fabricated show to keep the world occupied while your money, your health and your future is stolen from you by the criminal institutions of the world (governments, corporations, etc.), many of which are actually sponsoring the Olympics.
    Much in America is fabricated, too...

    Now, just in case you think China is the only country engaged in fakery, let me remind you that the United States is just as fake, but in different ways. In the U.S.:

    • The war on terrorism is fake: It was all fabricated to keep the population in a state of fear so they wouldn't notice their freedoms being stolen away.

    • The mainstream media is fake: The news is largely fabricated or selectively edited to brainwash American consumers into thinking they live in a free country. Corporate press releases are run as "news" and any real news that threatens big advertisers is routinely censored.

    • The money supply is fake: The U.S. is running on monetary fumes, borrowing trillions from countries like China that actually have REAL money, all while claiming the national debt doesn't matter anymore. (It does.)

    • The housing bubble was fake: As publicly predicted here nearly two years ago, the housing bubble was fake, creating false wealth that created the impression that the economy was doing well. The whole thing was a charade, of course, and now housing values are plummeting and consumer spending is in a tailspin.

    • Health care is fake: There's no "health" in health care, and the entire disease industry in the United States is based on keeping people sick, ignorant and bankrupt.

    • The corporate green movement is fake: Corporations love to act like they're really "green" even as they continue polluting the planet.

    • Even the breasts are fake! The U.S. is the plastic surgery capital of the world, where moms are now giving their teenage daughters breast augmentation surgery as a high school graduation present.

    It's quite fitting, then, that American viewers who live in a fabricated American reality can watch the fake Olympics by tuning into a fake television network where they can watch a fake opening ceremony that celebrates competition among fraudulent Olympics participants who compete for the only thing that's still real in this global economy: GOLD! /Mike Adams

  2. meh, who cares.

    as long as those who saw it and enjoyed, who gives a flying damn?

    why ruin the fun, even though it was fake?

    i'd rather keep the memory of how it turned out on my television set when i saw it, than to go crazy and pissed off about how it could have been faked.
  3. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol, guess what? the whole thing was a fake, lol it wasnt held in china, it was just a illusion that everyone watched off the tv,
    lol who really cares, its not like other countries did stuff like this, to make their olympics better
  4. THF20

    THF20 is a Chinese

    Olympics is over now... chuck chuck move on... life goes on...
  5. 3liminator

    3liminator Well-Known Member

    what's not fake these days
  6. krazyaznboi

    krazyaznboi Well-Known Member

    thats life...so get over it
  7. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Yay consipriacy theories!
  8. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ppl should stop bashing on china about whats fake n whats not..
    oh yes, fireworks are fake n the girl lip synced... and wat... damn build a bloody bridge n get over it
    geez... its about having fun isnt it... yeah of course china did some things n some things are unacceptable n inhuman bla bla bla..
    but wth does that have to do with the olympics... ppl are just trying to take this opportunity to get more attention right

    too many ppl r complaining...im not a huge fan or anything but i think the organisers of olympics tried to do the best they could n im sure a lot of ppl enjoyed it
    so all u haters should shut up....

    n if u dun wanna shut up then dont watchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
  9. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

  10. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Fake or not, I still love these 16days Beijing has put up :)
  11. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    does it freakin matter... gosh its not like the billions of ppl that watched it care that the olympics were fake
    ppl enjoyed watching it, thats all that matters right now
    plus olympics is over -_- why post this
  12. haters lolz :p its the olympics so who cares xD
  13. Konchence

    Konchence Active Member

    no too surprised by most of these
    a little disappointed in China but whatever, I still think they did the best job out of any Olympic.
    I'm going to have to argue that it's not really a "fake" Olympic unless all the gold medalists were pre-determined and the whole thing was rigged. That would be fake
  14. an0nymous

    an0nymous Well-Known Member

    what is real these days ?
  15. james123

    james123 New Member

    its passed so your kind of late to say it
  16. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    Its because we all live in a fake world just like the Truman Show! We are at the will of evil TV producers!!!!!!
  17. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    the sweats were cg, so was the balls used in volleyball, basketball, soccer, tennis, etc. gymnastics, they were actually robots

    yeah................ who cares, the article writer of that post must not be very popular to be this negative.
  18. armedretards

    armedretards Well-Known Member

    Olympics are real, they are all real !
  19. sars4tw

    sars4tw Well-Known Member

    who cares?
  20. hot wings

    hot wings Well-Known Member

    I bet an American wrote this article.