A : actually the answer is easy. you never see god. and nobody does either. B : but we can feel him/her. He/She is just like the wind. A : then what is the feel like? B : er... but lots of people say so. u know. the religion... karma... A : ok. maybe he/she does exists. but nobody in this world has ever seen him/her. so i think for now, i still don't know if he/she exists.
dude as long as you follow the 10 golden rules your fine and that i personally try to follow the these particularly rules and that is selflessness charity and compassion for all living being. plus most of what i read about what the buddha said is absolutely true like how people should live and stuff.
oh wellz I am a Christian and im like not like best believer and like yea.... but i disagree with ur comments one reason... I know for sure, if you follow religion you do not follow science thats my argument. Like there are videos and books that are against Christianity and god but there are also books against science and the theory of big bang. Your just one of them so really there isnt a right or wrong its up to you and choose wat u beleive and like i stated i believe my religion lol
lol how can science be false? of course theories can be false... theories are not proven yet! as for science, math is science, 1 + 1 = 2. you can choose not to believe theories, which is understandable because they are not proven yet, but science is proven, and if you choose not to believe science, something is wrong in the head.
I think it the height of hubris that man ponders the existence of a "higher" being. To me, its rather like an amoeba trying to imagine a Ferrari. Everything in its frame of reference would be next to meaningless. Man applies "laws" of physics as if they're absolute. Well, maybe in our little petri dish those are laws, but the head legislator may still be a supreme being who writes those laws, or rewrites them at will. If anyone wants a good laugh about how man envisions "god" and the things that man then do because of their beliefs, read about the Cargo Cults of the pacific. It will really open your eyes into how simplistic man really is. Ralph
and i can only offer 1 proof that most people in the science community well acknowledge, well establish science i.e things that can be tested and tested and that can produce the same result so that there is no theory to it like the law of physics and the law the nature (both in the human perspective of lets say human nature and the physical law of nature.) in the quran it speaks of how a human was made of an alicca ( an Arabic word that can be translated to 3 things but i cant remember what it is, i can only remeber it means a clot of blood. well basically you should watch a person name doctor zachcar nike on youtube that person well give you example about a mixture of establish science and the quran and lots of ppl have lost to him when he is facing a christian for example he lost. so yea . bye
theres only one thing about chirstian i like and that is they can show the greatest self sacrifices ever but thay are too narrow minded. I just have some comparative views i well present to most Christian like yourself, and that is the story of how jesus meditated for 2 week then later on he saw the devil and ect, oh also the way of how he is destined to save the world from sin by just asking ppl to just follow him (well i am only rembering my early teachings when i was an ignorent as many christian are but they dont accept any new way of thinking) all and all he can be compared to the buddha but there is a few diffrents like how jesus wants us all to fill or heads but in buddhism the key to enlightenment or awakening is emtying our heads and also practice mindfulness. There is 2 more things i would like to just add first is that jesus did not claim to be god but asked the whole flock of people to return back to worshiping the father and heres a paraphrase i sort of remember `i have came from the father for he is greater then me`. 2nd is that the earliest christianity that was founded was destroyed by the roman catholic because they dident like the current teachings and then they distroyed literally everything and then they made there own gospels that was to there liking well some of the original teachings may have been kept but there is not enough evidents. oh and that christianity was also founded in blood shed like many or every religion thats now exsists. but just keep in mind that there is only one god that that he as not begoten a son or well be any time soon, for he is the unknown all knowing thought unfair as it may he still was the creatior of the universes, laws that was estabish on verious things . also that even on oldest religion that was recorded down like hinduism even there sacred text like the veda or something states that there is only one god that is the crator of all, for he has no form of any kind and that he is the only one for us, also he has no begotton sons of any kind, not now or ever well have. and i would like to add that idols are not the main source of worship in Hinduism but only a figure to focus on just like reading or worshiping god the crator with all your heart and putting all your mind to 1 task of any kind to have a direct connection to god. so meditation is the whole goal to bring out the best of us and that also it could bring out what exist in every one of us our holy self. basiclly enlightenment. finally i would like to add jesus did not clam divinity but ppl can twis the qutes of what per say jesus said to there own liking like for example john 3:16 `for god so love this world he send us his son so that we may not parish but have everlasting live. but jesus did not qote that <i am god< or <create a mass following of people and worship me> if you can find it in the bible or even the apacrapha then ok you`ll be famous and rich beyond your wildest dream because you prove to the world that jesus is the ownly way.
the last msg was suppose to be towards the user HeAvEnzgmaIl thats a few msg above. sry about that i have no clue ow to qote toward existing msgs
If you look at the bottom right of the desired msg frame in question, there is a thanks button and a quote button. Instead of using the post reply button, use the quote button. Ralph
Imho, you can't prove existent or non-existent of God with our current scientific knowledge or logic. Remember, the Earth was considered flat few hundred years ago. What we know right now is extremely limited. I guess we don't know 0.0001% of truth that's out there. And some of what we think we know, may even be considered mistaken knowledge 1 or 2 centuries later. Btw, I'm not a Christian.
you silly person God doesn't abide by logic, we do He created logic and is above logic this is why the world miracles is defined as "doing the impossible" God can make gravity pull things down at 6.2 m/s squared if he wanted to lol
lol and thats the difference between science and religion, religion says things are the way they are because "god" said so science explains how things are the way they are and if science cant explain it, they will simply say they cant !
well, I beg a different. Science is still growing and learning. For now, God "don't" existed in the science's eyes but it doesn't means it's completely false. Back then when people were said earth was flat but later proven as round. So, lets say that God don't existed now but later it might exist.
dude u just made no sense, it exists but we dont know of it... when people thought it was flat was it? no it had always been round but people THOUGHT same thing... God to some peopels eyes dont exist but later on life might meet this god one day but for some people they areadly believe god exists he exists but u dont know it!
^ true, for a person like me creation itself is proof of a God, but others have their own explanations for that. To believe in God or a god/s requires faith, and if the Christian faith is correct then when Jesus returns ALL will believe, every knee will bow though it will be to late for most. Remember the words of Jesus himself. John 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
Some people just need a figure of God (with personalities) to connect to. God is really exists and absolute.