I was sitting in the bus today and i saw a really nice girl. She was alone but I started to wonder if she is single or not. Guys and girls, let say u see a person, is there any way to tell if that person is single or not? remember, you DON'T KNOW that person.
this is how i tell, if girls dress really pretty and wear make up ectc... mean they are single cause they want to impresss people .
doesn't always work... sometimes they've only just started relationship =P and wanna still impress just go up to the girl adn ask her out... that should give u half an answer! heheeh
its kind of weird to ask the person, The way i interpret the girl is by this: If she stares at u, then that means she is single, because if she has a bf, she shouldn't do that. We need girls to comment this.
if she stare at u dont' mean she single and it can also mean she will think your a werido or a perv hahaha if she don't stare at u it dont mean she has a bf it only mean that your not pretty enough for her to be lookin at u and most girl always look at guys it only eye candy it normal for everyone to do that even if u have bf/gf
guys will check out girls wen they're in relationship girls check out both girls and guys wen they're in a relationship
There is no way of telling..... so just take the chance and ask.... if you don't want to be so straight then start with small talk and then work your way up the ladder.....
You must make a normal conservation first anf if the girl is interested on you, then you can ask the question: do you have a boyfriend?
if the girl can catch your eye, that means they can catch other guy's eyes. so that most likely mean they might not be single, cruel cruel world :x
like uryu said, if she can catch your eye, she can surely catch the eyes of other guys UNLESS YOU HAVE REALLY BAD HORRIBLE TASTE, but im sure no one looks that bad
not like there's any way to actually tell ... but it's kinda weird .. if some guy comes up to me and asks me out ..unless he was really hawt
i don't think you can tell.....because it's all down to what type of person they are if u get what i mean
Going to her and ask, Sorry are you the boyfriend of (just say a bullshit guy name) then you know enough Then you know of she has a boyfriend...
^lol wat if they say "yes i am" Anyways u shouldnt u at least know them better before asking em out or anything? -what? otherwise it be kinda awkward for both parties?
lmao nice answer -bowroflarms but dude go ask... if you dont ask you will never know right? so if that ever happens again go freaking ask ^^