Would You Ever Give Up Foreign Citizenship to be Fully Chinese?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by ralphrepo, Sep 7, 2008.


Public Vote - Attn Overseas Chinese: If given a choice would you renounce your overseas country's ci

  1. Yes, I already have.

  2. Yes, I plan to do so.

  3. No, but I've been thinking about it.

  4. No, and I don't plan on it either.

  5. No, what are you, crazy?

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Hmm... for some reason the end of the poll question was snipped off. It should have read: " If given a choice would you renounce your overseas country's citizenship to be full fledged citizen of PRC?"

    This article piqued my interest because many people here, as demonstrated by the Olympics, are very obviously pro-China (both from the sporting and political venue). I had wondered if there was a choice, how many here would give up their overseas citizenship (from US, Canada, Australia, other or country), to become a full fledged citizen of China; subject to all its laws and regulations?

    This article is obviously dated (being from June 2008, pre-Olympics), but the question it raises is still a fundamental one. If given the choice, would you vote with your feet and renounce your overseas affiliation to become full fledged Chinese?


  2. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    If I went back to live back in China/HK I would

    I hold both HK passport and British, hold British cause I have lived here so long. But doubt I would renounce my British nationality any time soon, has too many perks like easy travelling with the European Union and better job prospects living in UK :D

    Plus I dont see having another stated nationality as un-patriotic, I have another one to my benefit and thats what I have it for, best of both worlds as they say

    There are other ways of showing patriotism
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    You're absolutely right of course. I just put this poll here in regards to the stance taken by the political arena of HK, to have its political cadre show if they were willing to put their money where their mouth is. Some of Tsang's people probably hold dual citizenship, as many well to do HK'er do. However, to do so today can be a source of political embarrassment if you're going to be in Chinese politics.

    The other reason for the poll is, many here are all pro China this and that; I was just wondering if given a choice, how many here would walk their talk? Personally, while I love the Chinese people, history, and culture, I can't stand their governance. And don't mistake me for some KMT apologist, I'm not fond of Taiwan's track record either (though I would place them a shade better ever since Chiangs power dissipated). Though I can't stand Bush, at least the US has a chance for something different every four years. So, for myself, I'm staying put.

  4. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol absolutely not, although i would consider dual citizenship with HK since my mom is from there.
  5. joekdo

    joekdo Active Member

    I wouldn't renounce my Canadian citizenship for a Chinese one, no way. HK Dual Citizenship is the way to go. The Canadian passport is the most widely accepted in the world (without a visa) and HK citizenship lets you travel between China/HK without a visa. Best of both worlds for me. Wouldn't give up the Canadian one though. Call me un-Chinese, but I like being Canadian, just like I like being Chinese. We shouldn't have to choose. That's why Canada is multicultural.
  6. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    I still think having Dual citizenship gives us the right to stay abroad for longer. So I will never give up, not without a fight
  7. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol i prob wouldnt , lol coz if im like fully chinese, then i cant live in Melbourne :(
  8. im not entirely sure but maybe i wouldn't mind being a citizen of HK...
  9. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    There's (unfortunately) no such thing anymore.
  10. -shock nooooooo..... so i have to be a citizen of PRC -cry2
  11. Wyvern07

    Wyvern07 Active Member

    Imo, u can be a chinese but that doesnt mean u have to be from china.

    You are and will always be a chinese regardless of where u live in.
  12. goeatc

    goeatc Well-Known Member

    yes, without any question haha
  13. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

    No one in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, South Africa says that there are English, and in England which is where they come from in the first place, they all have English names!! How do you explain this? There is little chance of them giving up Australian, New Zealand etc.. citzenship and go back to their own country.
  14. fookjay07

    fookjay07 Well-Known Member

    i dont even know if i should or shouldn't its like im in a bit of both...
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Looking at this poll from the end of last year, and given the current issues in China since then, I'm just bumping this back up to see if others would like to add continuing opinions.
  16. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    For those of you out there who think it's alirght to hold dual citizenship especially with one that is COMMUNIST .. IF there is ever a war between the two countries, which side will you be on? You CAN NOT be patriot to both side, right?
  17. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    if it came down to a war between China and whichever country I maybe living in or hold citizenship in... I'll be fighting for the PRC... politics mean shit all once war starts... neither side cares at this point, they just want to survive... my loyalty will lie with where my heritage, my bloodline comes from...

    of course this is an extreme and a complete joke to think any country would decide to light up China within the next century... the opponents economy would be crushed within a week... can't fuel a war w/ worthless greenback...
  18. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ i feel sorry for the country that grant you citizenship .. it's obviously you can betray them at any moment. a traitor is a traitor .. no excuse .. lol
  19. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    heh yes, that's why people choose to attain dual citizenships, so they can be backstabbing benedict arnolds come war time... we're all waiting for that day that the US goes to war with every country in the world to test our nerves... I'm sure that little Canadian born baby with dual citizenship had planned the downfall of the US as soon as war breaks out... spare me ur cynicism and communist paranoia...
  20. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    And I thought I'm a proud and honorable Chinese. But I can honestly say I can't imagine myself living in China with so much of the freedom I enjoy so much being restricted.

    I'm totally against war. But if it's all up to me to choose sides, I guess at the end of the day, it'll depends on which side is right or wrong by my judgement. Race will unfortunately not play a role in these live and death situations. Nor citizenship, I'll have to say.