Serious discussion: Incest

Discussion in 'Heart of Greed II - 溏心風暴之家好月圓' started by rsx, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. [N]

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    i think your really contradicting yourself with those two points of view dude. so if they kicked susanna out you would think it's ok or something cause you said if ha yu and michelle yim divorces it would be ok. thats like if they found out they are not related by blood it's ok. if i were to complain, i'll still go by that raymond and linda will always be step brothers and sisters no matter what, cause ha yu is still linda's step dad/ ex step dad no matter what and she'll always call ha yu's mother, grandma.
  2. zeewee

    zeewee Well-Known Member

    What's with the little disclaimer? I think everyone can see that you ARE offended by incest, hence your original post and some other statements you've made here. Let me refresh your memory:

    "What I want to say is, who the hell CARES if they're not blood-related? How could some of you even begin to say that it's ALRIGHT if Kate dates Moses or it's OKAY if Linda is going to date Raymond or it's FINE if Tavia is going to date Moses just because they're all not blood-related?"

    "And I don't buy all that 'if you date a cousin from your mothers side, it's OK, in Chinese traditions!' Screw that, cousins falling for one another is flat out wrong."

    So you say this is a discussion, yet you go and refute everyone who doesn't share your opinion. There is so much discussion on this issue already, yet you create a whole thread just for it. And why? It's because you want to have others agree with you. I merely came in and offered my opinion about it and kindly suggested you not watch it because it seriously seems like you're having a cow over it. Chill out.
  3. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member


    What I find weird is that you are okay with incest. I find your character questionable especially when incest is consist of brother-sister, mother-son, and father-daughter relationship.
  4. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    It's obvious real bro/sis, mother/son and father/daughter are the most taboo and of course it's illegal and there are reasons why. I don't know where you got 50% mental disablity comes from, if I remember correctly from a show, chances from incest relations are higher but only a bit in % compared with normal relations. If you're talking about long term inbreeding than it's obvious, I had said it above.
  5. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member


    I meant to say "the chances are increased by 50%"
  6. Valkrezy

    Valkrezy Well-Known Member

    Ah Ka and Camie (Moses and Kate)
    Lots of relationship in Chinese drama usually have the biew gor and biew moui (cousin) love relationship is that still consider incest in asian culture? Lets use another show for example Return of Condor Heroes, didn't the main character Yang Gow need to marry the uncle daughter? There is also the famous show Looking back in Anger didn't the cousin went in love. This is not consider incest, its only incest if you are born from the same mom and dad. Having same grandparents is not incest, if thats true then having same ancestor is consider incest too. If you haven't realize our ancestors might be the same if its traced back 1000 generations away. Then this world better be extinct or else we gonna have a world mess of incest. Makes sure you traced back 50000 generations of your boyfriend or girlfriend to know if he/she is actually your uncle uncle uncle uncle uncle uncle uncle... uncle son/daughter! INCEST!!!!!!!

    Ah Ho(Raymond) and Ah Cheow(Linda)
    So, wait you mean if I call a classmate sister all the time. They can't be my wife~!?!? DARN I GOTTA not call my classmate sister then or else we would never be able to date. Everyone of them is just brothers, sisters, and cousins by name they are not related at all. Next but not least I better hope her mom doesn't have an affair with my father or else we gonna be incest. (Whatever) In words its consider incest but in genetic its not unless you consider Ancestor bloodline it might be incest. Using the same example as Ah Ka and Camie (Moses and Kate) if you consider having the same ancestor then you are consider having incest now.

    Ah Yuet(Tavia) and Ah Ka(Moses) relationship example
    Another drama example is in many stories ancient WuXia story is good example, lets use StormRider for example both kids are not from same parents like Wind, Cloud, and that girl they loved. But they all grew up together and they are in love with each other. Why didn't that consider incest? Well they grew up together and they are also consider in the same relationship. Just that they're missing the fact that they're calling each other brother & sister. As long as they are not blood related they can be lovers. If that is true those that adopt kids better not adopt every single kids in the world or else this world will extinct because they can never love each other GROSS GROSS GROSS!!! EWWW GROSS!!!

    I think not many of you guys that consider these incest knows what incest REALLY MEANS!
    #26 Valkrezy, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
  7. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Wow, none of your example made any sense.

    There was no blood relation between Yang Gow and the uncle. Technically he was going to marry his father's friend's daughter.

    Also it's consider incest if you marry your half-brother and half-sister. So as long as you have either the same father or same mother its consider incest. In most country its also consider incest if you have 2 of the same grandparents, especially if its from the father side.

    Ah Ho(Raymond) and Ah Cheow(Linda) are step brother and step sister because their parents married each other. It's illegal for them to be together is some countries.

    Tavia and Moses, I'm okay with.
  8. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Ah, true. Though, what I was trying to get at was, if Ha Yu and Michelle Yim divorces and never sees each other again, it would be alright for Raymond to date Linda. The fact that Ha Yu and Michelle Yim will still be ex-wife/husband completely slipped my mind, thanks for pointing that out. I think I'll stick to my original point that Raymond and Linda should not happen, haha.

    @zeewee: In my initial post and posts following it, I am saying that incest is NOT right and I do not understand how people think it's RIGHT. Does saying "incest is wrong, I don't see how you guys can agree with incest" make me offended and/or disgusted by the incest theme? It's your own assumption and please do not force it upon me, I am not offended or disgusted. It's not like they're showing a scene with Moses banging Tavia or whatnot, so I think I'm good.

    I'm refuting EVERYONE who doesn't share my opinion? Am I really refuting? I don't see myself trying to prove everybody's views wrong, I take his/her views and give my own take on why I feel the why I do through a reason. You're the only one here who came in and basically told me off because I was "offended" by it and that I shouldn't watch MR anymore.

    I created this thread because there were discussions about this issue in various different threads, thus making it very disorganized. Additionally, as I have said before, this issue jumped out at me because there were THREE cases of them all in one series. Finally, it is BECAUSE of all the differents views that I'm reading and seeing on this forums that I made this thread to voice MY views in comparison to the views of others. If you want to go through all the posts regarding this issue, you can already tell that the majority of the members find the incest in this series to be "OK" and I am not expecting that there will be much or any members that will [fully] agree to my opinions/norms. If there are those that agree, fine, I'm glad there's someone that shares my views. If someone disagrees, great, I'll share my opinion of why I disagree, I'm not going to be like "you're fucking wrong, either you agree with me or get outta here." And yes, I do put in an effort to give a reply to everybody, so you will see me agreeing and disagreeing a lot (what's the point of making a thread and abandon it after the initial post?), so take that however you like.

    In regards to your "kind suggestion," why don't you go and "kindly suggest" to the ones that are offended by Kate's evil nature and actions that if they don't like it, don't watch it and see how they'll react? You do not tell somebody to not watch something simply because they're showing a dislike of certain themes or characters behaviors etc. However, if I said "MR is fking gay... the incest is obscenely nasty and disgusting....ewwwwie... how the FACK are you guys able to sit through it? You guys are sick" etc. THEN you reserve the "right" to give a suggestion to stop watching it.

    @Valkrezy: I can't really make out everything you're trying to say.
  9. zeewee

    zeewee Well-Known Member


    I understood everything you said. Very good points!

    RSX: I will let you have the last word because I don't really have the time to write a response in essay form back to you.
  10. Valkrezy

    Valkrezy Well-Known Member

    No Yang Gow Father Yang Hong and Gawk Jing are Sworn brothers. As you said in some countries, it wasn't really even a big problem until discovery of disease that might happen to the children if you are close blood related. Do you guys even know that Royal Families from Europe usually have close blood related to be lovers to keep their bloodline royal? And even now chance of babies having disease from incest can be removed from new science technology, not just incest but almost any kind of disease.
  11. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Sworn brother != family, just so you know. It just means they are really really really good friend.

    I don't know what world you are living in. There are no technology in this world that can removed any kind of disease from babies. There are ways to detect if a baby have a certain disease, but not remove it.
  12. gordonng85

    gordonng85 Well-Known Member

    guys and girls, can I add remind you of something?

    It's a _ _ _ _ _ _
  13. Hoang_X

    Hoang_X Well-Known Member


    I agree with Zeewee, you have very good points. I really dont see problems in this series with the love relationships, and i dont really see why so many people just have to make this a big deal. It is just a movie! A act! When if its real, its their problem, not yours (RSX)!!! If you really think the storyline is stupid with the incest thing then just dont watch it just like what Zeewee said!
    My point is, theres nothing wrong with Ray+Linda, Moses+Tavia, Moses+Kate relationship
  14. Valkrezy

    Valkrezy Well-Known Member

    Don't you think what you said just make my point goes right. Same with ah yeut she not Hor Mah real daughter she is just an adopted. Therefore it can also means she is != family. It means she is someone very very dear to their family.

    Yes there is technology to pick out bad genetic code from the sperm cells and the egg to take out genetic disease. Its only true before the 2 cells combine, therefore what I said doesn't mean it can stop any disease after you are a baby. But it does stop you from getting a child with down syndrome. A good series to prove this is, The Seventh Day. How they took out cells that are right to not have a children who can carries the genetic cancer disease.
  15. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Jesus christ, did you not go through the "debate" zeewee and I had regarding this exactly same fuggin' issue? Are you that thickheaded to bring it up again? Doorknobs these days.
  16. chabunky2000

    chabunky2000 Well-Known Member


    I totally agree with you.
  17. chabunky2000

    chabunky2000 Well-Known Member

    You're right.
  18. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    ok, in chinese culture from the ancient times, it is PERFECTLY normal for someone to date their cousin as long as if on their mothers side. They think that its ok because they dont share the same last name and that theyre not that related becuase women were looked down upon back then.

    2nd. Royalty and the upper class has this practices since the early times. they think that they could make themselves even closer by marrying their children. However, cousins through fraternal side is forbidden because they share the same last name therefore be labeled as siblings (or Tong Hing Dai Zhi Mui in cantonese)

    3rd. Once again marrying adopted daughters and step siblings isnt a problem either because also in the ancient days, adopted children were considered "not related" to their adopted parents at all. So most of time in the ancient days you WILL see family marrying their chidlren to the adopted daughter or sons. (in ancient times, if the son was adopted, and the daughter is real, then the son will change his last name (in cantonese we call this "yup joi")). In poor families adopted children were either used as marriage tools with the real children, or used as servents (most of the time). In upper family, it differs depending what family youre born into. Some people for example will not trust the adopted children and instead just makes him travel around the country

    with these historical facts about cousins and adopted children, old chinese people now, thinks that its ok to marry maternal cousins and adopted children because this is their culture. Most of this incest thing you guys talk about, in most chinese family, they will just say these "incest crap" is westernized thinking
  19. Hoang_X

    Hoang_X Well-Known Member

    I wonder why u are still on this topic when clearing mostly everyone is against you. And its not thick headed... just repeating to "some" people here cause "someone" just doesnt stop!

  20. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Have you never had a debate? It's called the clash of different opinions.

    Is everyone really "against" me? No, they're just giving their own opinions about the matter just like I have, with the exception of you and zeewee because you guys decided to make it personal and start telling me to stop watching the series.

    There are those who agreed with me and those that disagreed, why are you making it personal by saying "everyone is against you" and that I don't stop giving my own opinion?

    @Chabunky2000: I thought I made it clear in my opening post that no bull is allowed. Give your opinion on it instead of two word answers.