Why chinese people don't want their children to get married with foreign people?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by lara_mey, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. kenshi

    kenshi Well-Known Member


    There is, from what I know in a western society it's not all that friendly towards asians or minorities, there's many social problems associated with considering IR relationships e.g. racism, too much asian fetish (google 'asian girl' and you know what I mean) too much supressing minorities, discrimination, if you were to have Kids they may go through identity crisis etc

    If we got rid of these problems of the world then it would be great.

    The world is not ready but people go ahead and do it anyway (which could be troublesome)
  2. lara_mey

    lara_mey Well-Known Member


    i think it because some western are not familiar with asian people (culture, looks, languages...) so they can't behave theirself and act rudely to asian pp
  3. Morgaine

    Morgaine Well-Known Member

    ^There'll always be stereotypes in any race, and lots of uneducated people will behave rudely based on those stereotypes, regardless of race.

    Talking to some of my very conservative Chinese friends, they believe in homogeneous relationships because they want to maintain a strong ethnic family and culture. It bothers them that CBCs and ABCs can't read or write Chinese, can't speak Chinese, etc. To them, it's a serious loss of culture and chinese pride and IR relationships only further the degradation of all of that.

    From my personal experience, interracial relationships can be difficult if one of the partners doesn't understand or accept the other's culture.

    On the other hand, there are tons of Chinese families that encourage IR relationships. My friend's mom wants her to be in an IR relationship 'cause she thinks the grandkids will be way cuter than just a pure-bred Chinese kid (omg, I can't believe I actually said it like that. No offense intended).
  4. broken doll

    broken doll New Member

    I'm not chinese ,but I think it hard for some mothers that their children marry from woman that she didn't know anything about her. and also maybe her culture is different the the mother cannot communicate withher.

    This is my opinion. ^^
  5. Konchence

    Konchence Active Member

    I think it's just the culture and stuff
    Chinese people tend to think that chinese divorce rates are lower than others
  6. supersuperazn

    supersuperazn Member

    becuz once yellow, always yellow, yellow doesnt mix well with other colors
  7. lara_mey

    lara_mey Well-Known Member


    many pp say that asian are yellow but i saw many asian pp well mostly on tv and outside the street and they are white like milk and not mixed asian pp
  8. Edina

    Edina Well-Known Member

    Well, that's an topic that never ends. My bf is Chinese and I am obviously not.
    His mom likes me and I like her too, but she wouldn't say "no" if he would replace me with an asian girl...what should I do...I only can hope that our 9 years relationship will last forever. Over the years we went through a lot of shit only because of our differences and his family (for my brother and mother it was never a problem), but we love each other and that's the only thing that's important. Really, after 9 years with my leng zai I still feel like I'm in heaven =)

    I try a lot to be more asian, I watch asian movies, eat asian food, listening to asian music, fly to his home country, try to find work over there and learn some words (well I think I'll never learn cantonese^^) and it is ok for me. But to be honest...they don't do a sh*t, why is it my part to accommodate to them?

    The youngest in my bf family has a not asian gf now as well and my bf mother hates her...she doesn't accept her. Dunno why she accepted me but this girl has a hard time in this family.

    The only thing I can say is, if you are in love with someone with a different culture just do it and listen to your heart and not to the family, cause if they love you they only want to see you happy and don't try to make you cry and unlucky right? It's hard sometimes but there are good times as well -rolleyes
    #68 Edina, Sep 11, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2008
  9. crazycastal

    crazycastal Active Member

    I think it is just chinese people who cannot speak english that dont want a son or daughter inlaw. They would want to communicate with their inlaws, but it would be difficult if they dont speak the same language.
  10. litttlewing

    litttlewing Member

    i wouldnt say communicating is the biggest problem but i think the parents would want a chinese family to carry on the chinese name and through to next generation. Maybe parents nowadays need to realise that in the modern day, everyone is more open minded.

    Personally i can understand what they are saying.

    i dont think i would be happy if found out my son (i dnt have 1) through 100th of generations, that my great great great great great great great grandson had 1/10 chinese in him lol if u kno wot im saying? lol