Lol don't know how to put this but.. I just got into a relationship. Kinda weird cause we did the cuddling, hugging, and even kissing b4 actually confessing. This my first so I thought it was pretty funny/weird. Thought to myself for awhile about this and even asked a close friend, didn't really help much so I wanna know what you guys have to say -sweat . I've been wondering, How do you tell the difference between a really good friend and a boy/girl friend.
Seriously?! What kind of question is this?! I mean come on do you kiss, cuddle and hug all your good friends? Cause I sure dont kiss or cuddle anyone thats not my GF!!!
you're in a relationship!!! so be happy ^^ good friends, dont hug, cuddle and kiss at all. boyfriend/girlfriend do.
a bit far..... LMFAO orr.... think of this in another view.... do you want to make it official that you can only have the one girl.... if it aint official you are allowed to hit on other girls
Actually I have thought of that before and ya I do . And were 18/17 to answer your question jdm. Lol it's just that I have so many questions that I want to ask her but then again I don't want to hurt her. Q's like how far did her last relationship go.. and periods.. how do they work all i kno is that she starts to leak blood and mayb get moody
lol.. did u enjoy kissing her? yes = wana be in relationship, no = just friends. seriously, friends with benefits are not the way forward lol. simple!
just think about what would you would do with a good friend.. and what you would do with a girlfriend ... simple as that
ooOOo wow ya actually followed up with this and told the ending.... there there....plenty more fish in the see~~~! and by your "lol" at the guessing you're all okies with it nows...good job
*hugs* I think the problem with some relationships that start out the way yours did is that one doesn't know if its a serious relationship or not. Honestly, I find, the best way is to ask.. You might not like the answer but at least you'll know what the other person's thinking..
What sucks is that i still care >_> and she let me off easy by telling me shes not ready for a relationship.. iunno if thats the truth or she just doesnt have feelings.. so im pretty confused haha. So i thought to myself that I shouldn't force her but.. she's shy so iunno if she'll come to me what do i do? Im just waiting and its annoying b/c theres some weird feeling that keeps bugging me =.= ne wise advise oh asian ones