Why do guys prefer their friends over his girlfriend?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by zhouxianwen, Sep 28, 2008.

  1. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Guys would choose beer over sex??
  2. zhouxianwen

    zhouxianwen Well-Known Member

    i always thought guys couldn't live either sex and alcohol..i didn't know they choose one of the other
  3. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    if ur man prefers beer over sex.... ur doing something incorrectly...
  4. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    ^or he's gay...
  5. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    What happen if you're not into both drinking and sex?!?!
  6. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    uhhhh u're just being optimistic i understand....because he would be sleeping with OTHER WOMEN!!! hahahahahahahah
  7. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    @flames: i doubt a straight guy wouldnt be either drinking n sex...
    if hes into neither...thats not a true guy lol

    @kdotc: lol...n then whut...break up lor
  8. DKNY

    DKNY Well-Known Member

    I think we are getting way off the subject.
  9. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    lol...ok OT

    If i were the OP i'd talk about it with my bf....but u know what... why dun u just leave if his friends drop by...
    its probably boring anyway... having to listen to guys stuff....
    or just tell ur bf to not hang out with his boys when ur around....

    but anyway....i dunno...i think it depends on person...some guys do forget their gf when their buddies come over
    my ex bf never put his friends before me... i literally had to make him n do something with his friends
    which isnt very healthy either... its good if both parties have their own life dont u reckon??
  10. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    how much do you actually talk/hang out with him now? maybe it's actually not that little but you just got used to hanging out with him ALL THE TIME when you first started going out. if that's the case, then i think you have to give him some space. if i was with a guy, i'd like to spend time with him but not that much

    and maybe mr. x has his reasons for not talking to you. i don't think it's fair if your bf has to choose between you two.

    and i definitely don't think this is a reason for breaking up .. basically you want to hurt your bf because of what his friend is doing. not really your bf's fault =\
  11. DKNY

    DKNY Well-Known Member

    maybe Mr. x is interested in u.. maybe ..........:whistling:

  12. damn cheeks you got your boy on a leash..... so whipped LOL
    Yeah, you see for me... I spend my time with my gf as much as a I can/want too and when i have friends over i just hang out with them until they pretty much leave... my gf has tried to get me to stop watching the game, or tried to get me to stop playing video games with them and i just tell her that this is me time...
  13. J dot L

    J dot L Well-Known Member

    tbh, not everyone is like that, and that includes me xD..i would never prefer to spend all time with my friends over my gf, but i also still want a life of my own (with some friends) - xD

    So i guess that's maybe what he is thinking? But then again, if he's wanting life of his own most of the time, then i think it's time to tell him what you think, if not, it'll just get worst in my opinion =S
  14. nothincomin

    nothincomin Active Member

    What about when the gf is always with her friends? Wouldn't she like say friends>you or something? So it should be the same thing.
  15. zhouxianwen

    zhouxianwen Well-Known Member

    lol its funny...wen we started dating, we only saw each other once a week and this was during the summer time. and now because we go to school everyday together we see each other all the time. i understand that he needs his space. i think my problem is not my boyfriend i think its his friend.

    today for instance, my boyfriend and mr. x was together. i went to go join my boyfriend because i needed to pay my tuition with him. the entire time we were together, mr. x did not say a single word to me. I noticed and my boyfriend noticed too. He knows whats that mr. x does not acknowledge me, but he said "its the least of my concerns"...i was kind of shocked with what he said. I asked my boyfriend "why doesn't he like me?"..and he said he doens't know....

    what is Mr. X's problem? I've been dating my boyfriend, before mr. x even know him.

    i think the whole reason i started this this thread was because the one night, my bf was taking about how "eagle eye" came out and he remebered that i wanted to watch it....but instead he didn't ask me to go see the movie and instead he went to go to a movie with mr. x and didn't tell me about it. then it made me started thinking why did he choose to go to the movies with mr. x seeing the movie i wanted to see and not tell me about it.

    am i really 傻?
  16. ^ oh no we got another phil follower in terms of dropping random chinese characters lol im just messing.... and the is odd..... going to the movies with a dude over your own gf, i would understand if the girl had no interest in the movie like iron man, batman, or some action pack thriller or the matrix.... yeah sure i would understand that but not going to see eagle eyes with you? that is odd..
  17. J dot L

    J dot L Well-Known Member

    he turned gay!!! haha only joking

    Sorry for spamming the thread =S
  18. an0nymous

    an0nymous Well-Known Member


    got a point there. 2 guys going to movie over going with gf. that is weird man. unless his gay or his meeting up with other chicks at the movies with mr x.
  19. zhouxianwen

    zhouxianwen Well-Known Member

    regarding his sexual orientation...lol i quite believe he is straight. at least i hope he is....he is =)
  20. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^lol starting to doubt him??
    I dunno... ur bf doesnt seem to care a lot about u....?
    If i were u id make an issue outta it... basically hes just telling u he doesnt care that his friend is ignoring u
    normally if ur not hanging ard with them it doesnt matter but u 3 do spend time together so....
    Anyway, Mr. X is a dick... if he dislikes u for no reason n he shows it... i wouldnt bother about it too much.... hes just a rude guy

    in regards to movie... i do understand that guys need to do their manstuff with guys only sometimes (space)
    makes them feel less attached i guess :p