I think it has been established that Moses spends more time with Hor Ma's side of the family more than Jo Ba side. He just didn't start to go over to Hor Ma's side when the series started, he has been going there a lot even when he was growing up. Its funny how a series that is promoting family values, its telling you its okay to have a relationship with a relative, or even have sex with brothers. SO let me get it right, if you are say "in love" with your sister.... would you do whatever to be with her? I mean seriously they could have made the storyline between Tavia and Moses better maybe.. during the divorce, Tavia was forced into a foster family then she moves away for 12 years and come back to help Hor Ma.
hmm maybe .... depends on the situation ..... if we both live with each other for our entire lives then no .. but if .. lets say she moves to england for 15 years come back .. started doing everything with you then ... why wouldn't i .... there are many stories about brother/sister love .. like when a brother and sister separated from birth but after like 25 years they hook up and get married ...... sorta same type of situation
wow, I can SOMEWHAT understand why you would get with a stepsister that you're madly in love with, but seriously, your own sister? That's.... disturbing, ultim8. Now I can see why you would burst into tears over a tv drama. I wanted to say something earlier about this, but even letting oneself fall for a relative or close relative says something about that person. It almost seems desperate, considering there are gazillions of other potential partners out there, but you still decide to let yourself get into a relationship with a relative. It just ain't right, but whatever flows your boat.
yikes man...u are full of incest thoughts, u have a sister man? i would tell her to be wary of her brother lol.
erm no i dont have a sister lmao what???.... i was saying that if we wernt blood related .......... i was saying that if i was moses .. why not .. they arnt blood related and its true love ......... lmao ......ow well ....
i admit that it is kinda nasty. i mean how can you grow up with somebody and then have feelings for them in the future!!!