WoW: WotLK

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Dano, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. Dano

    Dano Member

    anyone excited about the expansion?
  2. dragong87

    dragong87 Well-Known Member

    i dont personally play it.. but i'd say most WoW players would be :p
    all the people i know theat play are excited :p should be coming out soon i believe?
  3. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    yer, this month or something ,lol all the nerds are gunna like skip school to play it
  4. Azerz

    Azerz Member

    ah the day it releases im off school lol so i guess its something i can kill the summer holidays with
  5. im not that existed seeing this expansion coming out.. they are really killing the whole warcraft story by killing all the cool bosses 1 by 1 :( i loved illidan character! and now his dead :(
  6. when the expansion comes out everyone who lost their jobs/families/respect due to WoW will see it was all done in vain cus lv73 greens will be better than their epics >.<.
  7. lawltank

    lawltank Well-Known Member

    Is the Warcraft RTS and WoW series a connected storyline? I thought they were seperate...I sure hope so. I don't play WoW so I don't know.

    They already killed Illidan in Frozen Throne anyway lol...
  8. Azerz

    Azerz Member

    Lol the story of warcraft will end soon because they are killing off every character with a real importance to the story
  9. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    I doubt Illidan is dead... he's part demon, his brother is a god-like druid, he himself was practically god-like... Illidan won't stay dead... he probably won't come back in WoW though...

    the key to remember is Blizzard plans for a lvl max of 100... atm we're only hitting lvl80... so some really shocking things will have to happen in the storyline for this expansion...
  10. no it wont, T6 will be replaced at lvl 80 with blue instance drops
  11. Tjillum

    Tjillum Member

    all that hard work for lvl 70 stuff will lost
  12. kazuki85

    kazuki85 Member

    They ARE related...WoW happens years after Warcraft 3 FYI. Same world, same races, same everything.

    WoW is a very good game, in fact I played it for hours during my student days...

    But of course, I have a freaking life. A rather good one also. :p

    Dota is still a good game, PSP games are getting hotter, PC games also getting better...seems like I have no more time for MMORPG's now :(

    If only we have 36 hours per day, I can spend at least about 8 hours of gaming everyday! or More! XD
  13. Chink_Mouse

    Chink_Mouse Well-Known Member

    I'm excited about that new class the death knight, the hardcore people (aka addicted) will line up over night for it like they did tBC lol
    I prob won't hit 80 till 4 months after it's release >.<
  14. THF20

    THF20 is a Chinese

    Not really excited about it. Since I quit this game a long time ago. Once u play it, u will get addicted, sit right at the computer 24/7, no social life is not good for your health and everything.
  15. ^speak for yourself, my social life is great :p, every weekend parties and going out with friends, just some people can combine it with WoW :p
  16. Caesu

    Caesu Well-Known Member

    im sure the t6 stuff wont be replaced right away with instance blues. they should last until 75? lolz~ but its all about warhammer online now anyways wow got gayed
  17. read every post before saying that :p at beta it seems lvl 80 instance blue drops will be replacing T6
  18. Caesu

    Caesu Well-Known Member

    for sure though. thats what turns everyone off from doing end game content once they release info on a new expansion haha you spend weeks and months grinding 25-man to get one pieece to be replace in less than an hr for a lvl 80 quest haha
  19. i guess its the enjoyment of gearin up a char, and going the story of the game itself, not everyone is a epic loot whore you know ;)
    i really enjoyed the 1st kill off illidan, and for sure when the glaive dropped for me ^^
    and tbh, i have ran around with my gear for over 6 months now, so doesnt really matter, and the gear will help out so much with lvling to lvl 80 ;) at lvl 80 its just a fresh start
  20. Azerz

    Azerz Member

    ah wows all fun when ur doing raids and stuff but once u have had enough of killing a certain boss u usually quit until they put in extra content damn blizz lol they got good cinematics and story lines this time round