Me, Myself......... And KIT!!! ^,^ Resentless told me to introduce myself... So here I am!!! [now it's ok boiii?!] Name: DL Age: 22 Sex: Female Location: The Netherlands Occupation: Student Applied Maths Languages: Dutch, Chinese (canto and just a lil bit manda), English Interests: Chillin' Some pictures [all made in Vietnam, except the first one (Antwerp Belgium): Feel free to ask me anything you want [doesn't mean I'll always reply on what you ask ]
hahahhahaa yeahhh best interest there is but yeahhh tnxxx! i joined PA a long time ago... but didnt post that much ;p
Hahahaha evo... where where where? XD yeahhh he's stalking... following me everywhere I am Im student... of Applied Mathematics... Don't blame me... Blame Resentless!!! :rant: @ Phil, RTH, Flaming... and others... TNXXX!!! ^^
hahahha shit why blame me again.. im bloody innocent -innocent2 and stfu Nastyboi, go back in ur corner!
I was soooo happy reading this xD and mr Phil makes me scared again!!! -shock @kitty... it's your fault!!! Phil scares me
But... IF i didnt make this thread because of you.... I didnt have to become scared at all... so all BLAMES on YOU!!!
Ooohhhh..resent's GF made a intro threadddd..... lol.... U've been ard for a bit i still say welcome =/? -sorc