Abortion. What would you do?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Akademik, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. If your pregnant you have the baby regardless of anything, even if you was raped or something, it is not the babies fault, have the baby and give it up for adoption if anything.
  2. but if i had the choice i wouldn't have chose to come to this world...
  3. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    But what if you cannot take good care of the baby?

    Leave it at the orphanage? Then it'll have a worst life being born
  4. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    I honestly dont get why people are supporting abortion...
    It doesnt make sense at all..

    I mean, if you didn't have sex in the firstplace, there would be no possible way of getting pregnent..
    Just because abortion is an option doesn't mean you should have the right to do it.

    Think about it this way, you are fully aware of the situation and the consquence when you have sex, yet you would still take the risk. If something does go wrong, the baby is to be blamed?

    and what "Kontra" said is totally ironic...
    It's like saying, "If you see a stranger and see a gun pointed to his head and you could save him and you don't because it ain't your problem."
  5. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    I don't get why you DON'T support abortion.

    What if you were impregnated and you wholeheartedly did NOT want the baby because of X Y and Z reasons, would you wish for the hospital to disallow abortions? Yes, most young individuals have unprotected sex knowing well that they are under risk of becoming pregnant, but we can't help that. We're horny individuals and we make mistakes because we're HUMANS and we're young, we just can't control ourselves sometimes, why should we be punished for something harmless like aborting a NON-viable fetus, especially if it's the women's fetus that she DOES NOT want? Or maybe the female individual was forced into sex and became pregnant, where do you stand on that?

    Think about it in this way: most, if not all, people abort their fetuses BECAUSE it will simply relieve them of all the unwanted troubles (fucking up your their life by having a baby at an early age, basically). Why shouldn't they have this choice of relieving themselves? Because they were horny in the heat of the moment and made a mistake by not using condoms? It's ridiculous and illogical to disallow abortions for that reason.

    Everybody makes mistakes. It's not like their abortion has any effect on anybody else besides themselves (it is THEIR fetus and they are harming and risking their OWN bodies as a result), so why not give them the right to not have the baby if they don't want it? It is their own fetus and if they don't want it, why should anybody else have say?

    Having the baby would
    1) cause you to have to drop out of school/college
    2) potentially get kicked out by family
    3) scolded by your family and looked down upon by everybody
    4) work at shit jobs your whole life, most likely not having enough to support yourself (or the baby), while raising an accidental baby.
    5) your boyfriend (father of the baby) might leave you and you're left with no one to support you AND a daughter/son without a real father when he/she grows up

    OR abortion, which would

    1) harm your body by risking infertility if abortion is done a few more times
    2) killing a non-viable fetus that no one knows or cares about.

    So what would you choose, make life excruciatingly hard on yourself because you don't want to go through abortion or make life easier by just aborting it and moving on and take it as a life-lesson to never have unprotected sex again? Sounds like abortion would give everybody a CHANCE (except that important non-viable fetus that you care so much about) to start over without worries or regrets.
    #105 rsx, Oct 4, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2008
  6. not only that... my fd who worked at a hospital told me that most women who gets abortion at hospitals r women cheating on their husband... they got pregnant even when they used protection...
  7. sunnydaiz

    sunnydaiz Well-Known Member

    IMHO, abortion is taking a life away. It's not a 'personal' choice of the mother anymore. The unborn child is a precious life. The personal choice is only on the decision to have unplanned sex. But once a child is conceived, it's not up to the mother whether she should have the option to kill the baby if it didn't suit her. It's her duty to preserve life.
  8. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    I really don't see your arugment there at all...
    All I can see here is basically this:

    "People make mistake fully aware of the consquence, yet they are allow to get away with it because they have the option to do so and would not ruin their lives.."

    How about this...

    I come over to your house right now and point a gun to your family and kill all of them, I didn't mean to kill them, but I was pissed off that day. I know I made a mistake, is it possible I don't go to jail and give me another chance? I mean, if those people didn't piss me off the first place, I wouldn't have kill your family, so technially it ain't really my fault...


    I know my scenario might be bit exaggerated , but allowing abortion is bascially allowing someone to get away with murder because you could not control your urges. Killing something that is 3 month old, and 20 year old is still murder. You make a mistake in life and you live with the consquences, similarly, you kill someone, you will go to jail.


    Well clearly such scenario such as rape or those who did not aware of the consquence (such as young kids or those who have disability that could blind their judgement), there will be exception... Just like a man with mental illness who kill someone does not go to jail but rather a mental hospital...

    But right now, the topic is about those who fully understand the possibilty of pregnancy and have abortion



    Don't you see this is a problem in our society, if you type in google and search for, "Abortion Statistics". Abortion has been sky rocket from the past decades.
    Why do you think is the reason? It's because before abortion existed, teenager become more aware the consquence and if pregnant, there is no going back and casual sex is not as common as ever before. Once abortion become legalize in certain country, abortion rate been flying sky high since then.

    But abortion is not the only problem but also the common pratice of other such as casual sex and created unsafe enviorment for teenages to contract STD etc...


    When you are talking about abortion, you are not just talking about abortion alone.
    #108 AC0110, Oct 4, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2008
  9. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Try re-reading it, you might get it.

    You come over and shoot everybody in my family, huh? I can see what you're trying to get at, but it has got to be the WORST example, ever. You correlate killing a mere fetus to killing several human lives -- hence, I used "non-viable" to point out that aborting a fetus is completely different than taking a FULL human life. The Roe vs. Wade case already ruled that a fetus is not viable until the third or so trimester, so no, it isn't a human "life" during it's early stages. It's why the law was passed and abortions are legal now.

    I've tried making an example to relate my argument to, but simply, there really isn't anything you can relate it to.

    You're basically saying that anyone who accidently gets impregnated will be required to have the baby to avoid having a criminal record for murdering a non-living fetus that no one knows about. Again, it's ridiculous. If the women chooses not to have the NON-VIABLE (not human life, I can't stress it enough) fetus, then it should be HER RIGHT to have it removed. Why should we force her to have the baby she doesn't want? She made an honest mistake, give her a friggin' second chance. It is NOT MURDER, the "thing" is not living. No funerals are being held, no court cases are had, no one is grieving over the fact that an accidently formed seed is sucked away, nobody one is affected drastically (don't tell me that it will hurt the fetuses feelings) -- come on, get with the picture here, a fetus is a mere nothing.

    I'd agree with what you're saying if you're talking about a nearly-born baby that has near-fully-developed lungs and organs, but simply, when it is a fetus, it doesn't have any necessary organs and/or characteristic of a human life form, which is why Roe vs. Wade ruled that abortions should be legal.

    I know what you're clearly trying to get at with your statistical data and all: prohibit abortions and there will be no killing of "human lives" AND there will be a ton of less unprotected sex that'll spread HIV and STDs. It's not the 19th century and we're not having the "if you disallow abortion.... then..." argument here, we're talking about current abortion pros and cons.

    Conclusion (to make it clear for you): the fetus is considered non-viable, thus it is NOT murder, so if the women (fully conscious that she was impregnated because she knowingly had unprotected sex) doesn't want the non-viable fetus because it will fuck up her life, then she should be able to exercise her right to have it removed to put her life back on track. We should NOT punish her because she chose to abort a non-living matter that doesn't affect anybody.
  10. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    So now the whole thing is about whether the fetus is alive or not, I can find as much information that the fetus does count as a human begin as it does not count as a human being. However, whether it is alive of not, I strongly disagree with the fact killing something or (if you say it's not alive, taking away something) because she wasn't able to say "No!".

    To be honest, can you truly say it does not affect you if your daughter has a abortion? Can you go inside the hospital and after her abortion and be like, "It never ever happen, just back to normal lives".

    Beside it has nothing to do with second chance because most woman who had abortion the first time will have it the second time if it occurs again.

    I know right now the topic is abourt Pros and Cons, however, I believe abortion create many other cause and effect to our society which none are benefitcal. If you think why our society need abortion in the first place then you might see the real problem. If abortion never existed, our society will be very different from now.
  11. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    I strongly believe that a fetus is not viable, thus I honestly do not see how people correlate aborting a fetus to MURDER.

    If the daughter does bring his father/mother (abortion cases that I've heard about nearly never involves a parent, though), yes, it will affect them. Though, do you think the mother and father wants an unexpected grandkid at her daughters young age (under 21)? There is probably nothing worst than to come home one day and your daughter tells you that she's pregnant, BUT it can't be worst than the parents finding out that the daughter is going to be suffering/working her whole life without completing the proper education because abortion isn't allowed.

    On the other hand, if the daughter secretly aborts the non-living fetus, nobody would know about it except the boyfriend and/or a few other close friends. The "abortee" would not have to worry about her life being screwed up, her parents wouldn't have to sit there traumatized and in lost of all hope, and everything would be back to "normal," if you will.

    And how does it not have to do with chances? With the current state in the legalization of abortion, there will be tons of females getting impregnated everyday. With that in mind, the girl can actually have a second (third, fourth, or fifth) chance in getting her life straight. What you're suggesting is binding the poor unfortunate female individual to her unwanted baby and have her suffer (without a choice) her whole life because of the one mistake that she made of having unprotected sex in the heat of the night. Yes, she made a mistake and the legalization of abortion gives her that luxury to make that mistake and have it corrected. Why should it be anyone else's business that she's aborting her own fetus that she made through her own mistakes?

    I get what you're saying, but asking "why our society need abortion in the first place" is almost like asking "why should we have welfare to help the poor?" or "why should guns be legalized in the first place?" They are separate arguments in itself and it can branch off into a whole another mess, like I pointed out: if abortion isn't legalized, there are other shit out there that shouldn't be legalized either. We are a free/capitalistic society and the government/congress obviously feels that it should be a right that everyone should have. There are countries out there that still don't allow abortion because they probably feel the same way as you do, but your arguing the wrong argument here, as this thread ain't about "why abortion should be legalized in the first place?" It's more about "why or why don't you support abortion, what would you do in the case of abortion?"

    Shiet, you gotta admit that you've had unprotected sex at one point or the other, we're human and we do that. Wouldn't it be nice to have that "backup" in place?
  12. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    I'm still truly not convince and non will you, it's just that see things at a total different spectrum as you are toward the liberal, and I'm more towards the conservative.

    That being said, I strongly believe that the moment the sperm meets the egg, it is developing and at a process of becoming human. Thus, destorying a fetus equivlant to destorying a human life (in my perspective).

    If I truly found out my daughter to be pregnant (God forbid), I will honestly say I will take care of it as I have taken care of my daughter. If I can support her, I'm sure I could well take care another 1. I have seen students going to UT:SG being pregnant (I'm sure they weren't fat), it's rare but I'm sure they can still have a proper education like any other people, it depend how you cope with your peers and the willingness of support from the family (which is mostly the issue).

    If the girl secretly abort the child, I think she would be traumatized for not telling her family. People get traumatized from having low marks on their exam and you are saying that she wouldn't be traumatized going to the abortion center? Going home, look into your parent eyes as nothing happen, I don't know if I can personally do that (If I was a girl and abort a child).

    If it require someone second (third, forth, fifth) chance to get their life straight, isn't there a problem after the second chance? People come out of jail can hardly even get second chance since society look down upon them. If you know a friend got abortion the fifth time, what do you think of her? Probably not on the way to get her life straight but rather a baby killer (I would say).

    And as far as sex, I would never have unprotected sex unless I truly want a child.

    I realize alot of your points are toward young teenage and poor family, however, I would like to arise a question.

    If a grown woman (finish getting her degree, profitable job, have a lovely husband) is fully capable of supporting a child (if not multiples of them, lives in a wealthy family), then would abortion still be a postive thing to you then?
  13. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think we just have completely opposing views on this issue.

    In regards to your daughter getting pregnant (assuming she's young and is still going to school, either it be college or high school), what if she did NOT want the baby, would you prevent her from aborting it? After all, it's her baby.

    I'm at my senior year in university and I have yet to see a pregnant female on campus (either that or they took a leave of absence before their bellies showed). However, I do know several females that have went through abortion (some even went through it more than once) and is living a normal life right now. Some are living by themselves, some with boyfriends, some with their families, most of them say they either do not want a baby or cannot afford to have a baby. I can't say they're not traumatic as I've never had the courage to ask, but I can only imagine that it can last so long. I guess it's where I base most of my beliefs from.

    In talking about chances, I just believe that everybody deserves the "freedom" and "comfort" to do whatever she likes to, without harming others. I do, however, feel that it is extreme for one to allow herself to go through abortion more than once, but I do happen to know this one particular individual who's been through it FOUR times, and yes, her life is a mess. If I were to draw the line, it would be a maximum of two times, but who am I to say that? It's only THEIR bodies that they're harming. Oh btw, all four times are from her ex-bf's, thus if she was to keep the babies, all of them would've came from several different fathers. Then again, who knows what would've happened if she kept her first baby.

    And your last point is interesting. I do have a slightly different thought on it, but it's pretty similar in that regard.

    I still think they should have the option to abort, but it wouldn't make as much sense. The women is already a working adult with no one looking over her, she doesn't have anything to lose by having the baby, and if she's around the average age to get married and have children, why abort it? I would rather see a capable women go through with having the baby instead of aborting it, but then again, every situation is different. I know a friend who works as a nurse and she tells me that A LOT of the abortion patients come from married, working women who've cheated on their husbands. I mean, we all despise those who commit adultery, but abortion is all a matter of privacy and personal preference. As much as I feel that she doesn't deserve the chance to go through abortion because she cheated, I still feel that it's HER business.

    So yeah, I think I still stand on the side of, let the women have her freedom and comfort in being able to CHOOSE, instead of completely restricting them of all choice. I think it's what happens when you're raised in a free society, you think that any little restriction the law has on you is not right.

    P.S. are you sure you will NEVER have unprotected sex?! Even if your girlfriend begged you to? I don't believe you! haha
  14. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    I think I had a great debate with you throughout the context of Pros and Cons for abortion, at the end (well not so much the end) neither of us would or will be convince as the topic matter is very subjective. (If only there is universal laws and guidelines for human, it would make everything so much easier, but then again it would take away the excitement in life such as this topic)

    PS: I believe what make us human is that we are capable of making decision and seeing the consquence out of own action. This seperate us from humans and other spieces form the planet. We can make choices that animals cannot, thus, by knowing the consquence, I would not gamble my chance with my girlfriend if I truly love her. (Hope I did not offend anyone, probably did though -_-!) Why risk at all, when you can eventually have it all? *wink wink*

    I would enjoy seeing others taking part in this debate =)
  15. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Good read guys.

  16. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    OK - My point of view on this

    Would I have an abortion if i'd get pregnant right now?

    No... actually....I have always had the same opinion when it came to this...
    If i'd get pregnant yes, my careless life would be over... no more clubbing and doing girl stuff n whatever i like, whenever i like but i know that if id have an abortion id have such a huge trauma, it would haunt me for the rest of my life and because of that I would not be able to do such thing. Living with that feeling of guilt it just seems unbearable to me... but keep in mind its a personal choice.

    I'd just tell my parents and im 100% sure that they would support me... of course they'd be mad at me... but im sure they'd want me to have the baby
    Currently I am living overseas but I'd move back to my homecountry n live with my parents as a temporary solution.
    If the baby's father wouldnt wanna have the baby I'd just raise it by myself.
    Even though some people say that the fetus is a not viable yet... i'd still feel as though i have killed my own baby if i'd get an abortion.

    I might not have an awesome career (or far from that) i'd still take responsibility
    guess i'd just have to try n make the best of it...

    i wouldnt really take in account what my partner would say (sorry males might disagree)...
    If he doesnt wanna have the baby he doesnt have to play a part in it n has the choice walk away.
    It's his semen, yes i am fully aware of that but the whole thing is happening in my body.
    I got knocked up, I will have to undergo everything and I will have to live with it for the rest of my life.

    Am I against abortion?

    If another girl would tell me she would have an abortion I wouldnt judge her on that
    everyone has their own thoughts on this topic and i think the decision is up to each individual
    Just because I wouldnt do it does not mean I am against it.
    Every person has the right to choose

    And yeah, Most likely it was an accident...
    I mean, yes, shes stupid for having unprotected sex and should face the consequences but thats not enough reason to keep a baby is it?
    If a girl absolutely sure that she will not give the baby love and care that it needs should she still have it?
    In a perfect world everyone would be able to take responsibility for their own actions but we all know its not a perfect world... people are selfish so they make selfsh decisions

    Many people only see the negative side of abortion but in some cultures girls will get killed if their parents would find out they've had sex before marriage (im not exaggerating, ive actually read biographies about this).
    So if they'd get pregnant and would want to have an abortion i'd completely understand.
    Yes, they know the consequences beforehand but as RSX mentiond before human beings are horny creatures and accidents happen.

    In this case isnt it good for the girl there is such thing as abortion?

    So in short : Abortion is a good thing in some cases.
    I personally wouldnt do it but its a choice each person should make for themselves and for themselves only

    (i know this is a bit all over the place but these are just my thoughts on this hehe)
  17. I agree with what Angie wrote... abortion shouldn't be banned it should be a well though out process, people are so quick to protest something but they never see what will happen to the baby once it is born into this world.... will it be given the love, care and nuturing it needs to develop into someone who will be able to change the world? If someone wanted to get an abortion because they aren't ready for it then i would agree with them, but in the less likelyhood if they are continuously getting pregnant and doing the same things then i would not...
  18. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    Actually... If I become pregnant rite now rite here... I do will consider abortion...
    1. I cant give the baby a good life because I'm financially not ready yet
    2. I dont want to bother my parents for carrying my baby that I cant carry yet.
    3. I've always said I will wait for having a baby untill I can garantee a good life for him/her.

    But yeahh... I think it's a decision that you only can make when it really happens to you...
    You can now say: "I'm sure I'll keep the baby" But you never know if you're able to when it's really such a moment.
    Same for "I'm sure I will do abortion" But maybe when the baby is really growing in you... You have different feelings about it.

    Anywayszz... I'm totally not against abortion when you've got reasons for doing it.
    Sometimes when I see some teenage mothers (not-)carrying their baby... I think: Why didnt they do abortion? Shouldnt that be better for the child?
  19. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    This is offtopic, but akkionimusha, you from Mass.? Which part?

  20. not all babes have it rough, i think its better a person gets a chance at living over us deciding whether they live or die.