Holding hands on a first date

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by smallrinilady, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. well if you end up with aids its gona suk, current hollyoaks storyline.
  2. well it depends how the sex happens.... sober or Under the Influence.... and holding hands isn't a big deal....
  3. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    hand holding and kissind should be on first date =p...and if things go well maybe go for a homerun =p
  4. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ dont talk about things uve never experienced ok :D?
  5. OUCH in da face K.C
    it also really depends on the type of girl if you can do it the 1st date.. if its a shy girl and raised properly by rents.. dont expect anything 1st date... xD
  6. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    It all depends on who and how... :p
  7. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    ha ha ha, this is great and SOOO true too
  8. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    How? There's more ways to hold hands?
  9. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    good experience you got I see.
  10. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    damn some1 is jealous.........its ok angie u'll get ur change "ONE" day =)

    call up angie and you can too ;)
  11. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Of course, I think it's the down to the basic .. holding hands and kissing are the two things you can't miss on your first date. Ultimately, it's the kissing that determines if there's a second date. That's the normal practice here in America. Unless you live somewhere outside of America where even your hair sticking out means bad, then, I don't know. I wouldn't date such a girl anywhere.
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Depends on the girl and guy. But frankly, this is a question for younger kids. I'm from the school of getting laid by the second date; once you get older you'll know what I mean. Otherwise, life is just going to pass you by. I know that half of women here would be like "Damn Ralph, I wouldn't give you the time of day if that's the way you are, much less ever consider going out with you..." However, while the other half may not publicly admit it, but they'll think "Damn Ralph, so when are going to ask me out?"

    I've found that the world has all kinds of women, some easy some not. But if you're going to walk on social eggshells your whole life, then for all intents and purposes, ALL women won't be easy. I'm not saying that you should jump on every girl as soon as you meet her. But there are ways for a man to take command of a social situation to steer it towards his objectives, and you do so by being a man. That is, a wimp will always get nothing but cold showers.

    Or put it this way, have you ever seen some really ugly looking men walk around with the most beautiful women? Ask yourself why. Then consider would a guy like that ever worry about hand holding or not, on a first date? Of course not, he would just take her hand like it's the most normal thing in the world; it sets the stage, the mood, and the expectations from day one. By day two or three, he's gonna get laid, period. :bowdown:
  13. DKNY

    DKNY Well-Known Member

    Yeah, when u really like a girl, just go to her and say it. Then she is urs. Girls are too easy
  14. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    ^There's the player right there
  15. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    if it was just that simple...
  16. t20lau

    t20lau Well-Known Member

    This is difficult, I think it really comes down to how well you already know the person, etc...

    I mean if you were friends in the first place then holding hands on the first date is no big deal, as before the date you'd have made it clear you wanted to take things to be next stage, hence going on a date...

    If you'd just meet this person then thats different, because you'd want to get to know the person etc...

    The first date with my current GF was one with no holding hands or anything, but after dropping her off at home I asked for a second date and since then theres been no looking back!
  17. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    how do u let them know its a date then?

    i want to take out on a date?
  18. t20lau

    t20lau Well-Known Member

    I think its just the way you ask them out...

    I mean before my 1st date with my GF i just made it know that I wanted to be a little more than friends and asked for a chance to make it happen...

    She said yes and so I took for for lunch, then shopping, then to the cinemas...

    By the end of the day I think it was clear in her mind I was been serious and a second date was arranged!
  19. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    er? what? u only hang out with prostitutes n pay them n thats why its easy or what?

    why dun u just say guys are just horny.... they try their luck n maybe 1 outta 100 times they succeed?

    LOL....yeah thats what i told u when u called me last time... some day, one day...
    maybe next life? NEVERRRR
  20. renegade

    renegade Member

    holding hands is a sign of affection for someone.. so why not? so long the other party is willing...