So my anti virus was preforming its usual scan and it detected a virus called " INF/Frethog " . My Anti virus said it was deleted, but wait... a box poped up again and again, as i am typing this, its poping up - - ... saying " Detected INF/Frethog - deleted ". Does any one know how to remove this virus for good?
hmmm, if ur anti virus was good, then howd this virus get in here, hmmm , maybe the virus is in a Rar file but u didnt Exe yet, you should find the Location of the Virus and try Killing it !
Reinstall windows is another way.. If you can't seem to get rid of it.. Or get a better anti-virus cause the one you have now seems pretty average.
if ur on a network u might need to disconnect from network and try.. but that means its on both computers and is spreading through the network. scan in safe mode?
one possible answer? but then again i prefer having system restore also apparently this virus is pretty nasty, I would just go for a reformat
info from if i was you i would change all my passwords as soon as i could on another computer that doesnt have a trojan
speaking of virus scanners...i d/l the googlebar and guess what? it came with a norton securty I can use it free without buying it...thing is, how is it that it is free from google and stores sell it too?
lol i got infected with one of those viruses, well i downloaded one in a rar file coz i didnt know, but my nortan scanned it and i manually killed it , so i guess im good ^^
completely agree with metzo, nod32 is better in my opinion though but ye kapersky is pretty gd and isn't too expensive and trend micro is also a very gd security program.
did you try Start > Run > MSconfig > Startup find your virus in startup,it should have command line something like "win32.Rundll" something like that 2nd, scan your computer or go to the virus vault to see the location of the virus and delete it there
disconnect computer from outside world and try to remove the virus again...clearing out what is necessary, or better yet, reinstall windows, ghost image the basics (OS, drivers, small apps) and u can reuse image anytime...
try superantispyware, it killed zlob for me lol. then run ccleaner.. spybot...if that doesn't work then wipe that hd. if you still paranoid, run regedit and try to find the registry files you have to clean (big risk) or use hijack this! and get others to help you.