wow, i think i rather concerntrate on getting my hw done than post bout it y do teachers love to dump a massive pile of hw, assignments and tests on you in the weeks just before exams?
Just sent u PM evo, but yea, that's what it pretty much does.. But they can be pretty inaccurate-cause they take Raw marks and other complicated stuff and give you your UAI.. plus the way they calculate is based on the BOS released RAW marks from like 2005 or earlier. Chinese here scales pretty ordinary unlike most languages, just cause there's so many fob's do it.
lol chinese is the highest scaled up second language here lol, maybe coz its like one of the 5 languages that actually gets done
Tekken 6 Timezone tournament on saturday, should i join?!?! State Final, double elimination for top 8. Top 2 can go to Phillipine for world final.... Join for 35 bucks, lose and stay to watch prize handling, you get 30 timezone tekken games costing 45 bucks.... So far I see gains in it... But should I still join?!?!
problem is I'll get owned if my brother knows, and if I fluke into world final, that'll be hard to explain...and don't know if I got exams at the world finals time...