Proof that God does not exist

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by BigSmoke, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. this thread can go on and on and on and neither can prove neither.

    in any planet and any part of the galaxy there will be a universal principal for god to exist and most of the points will be similar to the 10 commandments because they fund the basic rules for society to function well

    god doesn't exist in my mind because we can go back to the what created god?

    what i believe is there is no god but im some weird quantim physics/math/whatever way the universe just formed like that, like how alot of the stuff don't make sense when u get deep into it. So maybe nothing + nothing cancels each other out so there has to be matter which created the big bang and the cycle starts over again i don't know.

    This is just a thought for religions that involve heaven, say you make it to heaven , are you going to spend eternity there as an angel? what about smokin up takin drugs getting drunk are you allowed to do so? what are you going to do for eternity? Is it going to be high tech and updated fashion every year? will we get electionics from other worlds or is earth the only one? what about other worlds that are lagging behind us are we going to meet up with them too? aliens in heaven? dog heaven,cat heaven, insect heaven? plant/micro germ/cells heaven? will there be the internet?

    All this stuff is man made so people could comfort themselves and others with a peaceful mind like say suicide bombers.. i think once you die thats it, you aint goin nowhere, you might still exist but your body decomposes somewhere like a tree trunk or a piece of rubber and atoms destroyed or broken up and scattered around the universe and you're not coming back with any thoughts in your mind , its a cruel reality just like the world and the universe is too big to care.

    i can't prove any of this but its one of my possible thoughts about god and the universe.
  2. ping

    ping Member

    you'll know when u die. but for now, just enjoy everything.
  3. tiffystars

    tiffystars Well-Known Member

    do you even know what the Spirits are, that are in the Bible? i agree they are nothing to do with matter or energy.. yet you seem to misunderstand what these Spirits are. Take example the Holy Spirit.. it's what is poured down from God into someone... or ok, like a Holy Ghost who represents God..

    I don't understand how you bring Spirits into the context of physics- law of physics is just a theory.
  4. goeatc

    goeatc Well-Known Member

    I was never much of a god person, it didn't take long for me to accept how life really is.
    I don't see why religious people can't believe in a higher being. If it makes your life easier, sure, that's fine. But it crosses the line when some people are so religious, that they don't believe in dinosaurs... Religion is created for comfort in mind, not as an answer to everything unknown, that would be plain ignorance. Some deeply religious people can be arrogant too.
    In the end, science can be proven but religion can't, but it's not wrong to be religious.
  5. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member

    ^ whoa --- those are fighting words.

    lol. j/k. -cool
  6. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    if the sky is blue then god doesn't exist. there!
  7. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member

    ^ please, elaborate.

  8. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY Apollon!!!-coolio

    I really dont see how a person can deny the existence of dinosaurs... the people who do probably do it because the FACT of dinos are all rapped up in the THEORY of evolution.. its a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water, i hope you can perceive my analogy.

    Good luck in life, youll need it with that logic >.<

    FYI the sky doesn't always **Appear** to be blue, ever seen a sunset?, been out at night? so by your own method of deciding if God does or does not exist...... it seems like God does exist.

    Or does he only exist when the sky is not blue.. lol you see, your logic here is messed up.
  9. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member

    As always, great responses!!
    Rock on, master_g!! -rockon
  10. d15z1sux

    d15z1sux Well-Known Member

    HAHAHAHAHA i laughed uncontrolably when i saw that picture.

    but seriously humans wrote the bible... so yeh.
  11. LMFAO @ picture....

    and the person who made the response with the sky being blue is stupid and shouldn't even be arguing the existence of god, let alone arguing between mustard or ketchup..

    the sky is blue because the wavelength of the color blue is shorter and is much more easily absorbed by the atmosphere mainly gases... so blue just radiates from them much more predominately...
  12. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    LoL, nice answer.

    But to be honest, there is really no way of proving. We do not have the knowledge knowing whether God exist or not.
    Even if we do, it still doesn't mean that God does not exist. As God believe to be known outside of human knowledge.

    You can say that people who believe in God than those people must be ignorant, but I don't see what's the big deal believe in something that is outside of the context of the human mind.

    With the belief of something that can never be comprehanded, you don't really require proof as it does not matter whether you can proof it or not.
  13. everything the bible has written will be obsolete the day we find life in a different galaxy/universe.... or at the very least the bible will have The New New New New testament
  14. ^ not if it is a deception, how will you know if it is or isn't, how will you know if these aliens are not fallen angels?, the greys are known to be 'created' shells which are inhabited by a spirit being in the alien/ufo community, with that in mind the bible will be proven right or wrong on the day you die.

    BUT i believe such a scenario will play out and many will leave Christianity because of it, we don't have these ufo's for nothing and the bible says it will be as the days of Noah when fallen angels acme down and had offspring with human woman.

    So basically there are some of us Christians who's faith can not be shaken by the beings that are known as aliens, from the beginning we have known them as demons and fallen angels.
    #494 master_g, Oct 16, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2008
  15. lol i was talking to a friend who is in philosophy/sociology and he argues that physics doesn't exist and that it's all part of our mind.

    ie: you can't prove gravity. it doesn't exist.

    no matter how hard i try to explain to him that gravity exists due to experiments that establishes that gravity is there, and based on evidence of its existence, he doesn't believe me.

    this is exactly how i feel about this current debate about god.
  16. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Your friend is an extreme skeptic or even believe in nihilism.

    However, it is true that nothing can truly be proven as everything is man made. I remeber taking these in high school but I do not remeber anymore of those terminology.

    Gravity is basially an experince that you had in life, similar the sun will rises from the east and sets to the west. Therefore lead you to believe that it will occur every time, every morning, every day. But there is a flaw to this theory because it happens for 10x, 100x, 1000000000000x led you to believe the next day and the future that the same thing will occur. Let say if the next day, the sun rises from the west and sets to the east, then what happens?

    Let say if mathemathic was wrong, such as 1+1 does not equal to 2. Our understanding of everything from the past will collapase.

    That being said, this is extreme skepticism...
  17. lol what is nihilism... time to wiki that...

    the thought of mathematics being wrong is damn scary lol
  18. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Yea, the world would become pretty chaotic, our education system is totally screwed ^^

    But your friend must be pretty pessimistic...
  19. if the sun "rises" from the west one day it would mean the earth would have to have completely changed its direction of rotation in mere hours...... if not minutes... the only way that would happen would for another object the same size as mercury to collide with earth at and angle of about 170-180 degrees (roughly a tangent) with a greater velocity than the speed in which the earth is rotating at.... (also it would have to hit the edge of the equator)

    if such event should happen... i think the existence of god would be the least on everyone's mind as we would all be demolished...

    1+1 will forever be true in the human world, why? because quite frankly we made the rules for mathematics...

    dann your friend is truly amazing... i would love for him to explain to me the repulsion of two negatively charged particles and the attraction of magnets.... let alone explain to me gravitational acceleration, orbit, magnetization, the mechanics of how HDD write and read, compasses... the list can go on...

    but im sure his answer would just be magic...

    the creation of the world is beyond anyone's understanding and it will take many many generations for us to even travel to the nearest star and even then it will take many many more generations before we reach the next solar system, let alone one which inhabits life.

    Fallen angels.....? i thought they just go to hell and join satan... =\
  20. lol yes akki... i agree with you...

    some other friend and i was talking about philosophy class, how it talks about shit like this, and he was like... we should go into some philosophy course:

    *Prof talks about how we're not really here, it's all in our mind, physics doesn't exist*
    Us: *yelling out* you're an idiot
    *about to walk out*
    Prof: what did you say? do you want me to fail you?
    Us: you can't fail us, because we don't exist in this class we're all a figment in your mind
    *walk out*