you mean my parents? They lent a few grand, cus they wanted to help out fellow country men. Little did you know, they werent trustworthy when it comes to money. We asked around, and many other people lent them similar amounts. Shows you that you can't be nice to people sometimes. My parents took it as giving it to charity. -lol
i just remembered having to spend alot for my car winter check. Every year i 'm always angry about the bills i get. I kept changing my garage every year
im starting to save now the winter months are coming and bs holidays start to show up and Black friday......
the loans for houses of banks kinda started the credit issue, since banks were lending out irresponsible to people to buy houses etc. But since the people couldnt pay back etc. banks started to get problems + people didnt trusted the economy anymore, so started to get out there savings out of the banks, so banks went bankrupt, and other banks didnt dared to lend out money to other banks since they are afraid they will never see the money back again, so 1 bank goes bankrupt, and 1 bank lose customer. eventho it is smart to buy an house now, but even when you want to, its really hard to get a mortgage right now since banks are afraid to. So actully banks are just killing themself and the whole economy and btw inflation will never stop i guess, but how fast it goes will, it wont rise that fast or maybe not at all aslong we are in this crysis...
lol, we better stop buying that Chocolate bar or etc, lol little change adds up , so save save save !
mortgages are not hard to get right now if u have the money to buy lol i pointed that out... they've stopped the whole mortgage w/o a downpayment thing... if u can pull off 15%down with decent credit u can get a loan... obviously ur not gonna get a loan if u can't afford it... the money is there, if u can afford the loan, there's no reason why u can't get one... inflation is healthy and is natural, but inflation will rise more than the "normal" 3-4%... Europe will be hit hard cuz of the EU places like Spain will hurt more than Germany... the US is all ready seeing rising inflation of 5%+... and since we just cut interest rates i wouldn't be surprised if we see 5.5-6% soon...
THat is for sure I noticed that when i go get those little japanese trinkets in the vending machinese or the candy with the toys
well im more careful about my money .. cause i dont wana lose it .. god forbid i hit poverty >< and if i do . then i will use the money i have and make sumthing of it =)
Yeh.. spending less and being a tightass nowadays~ seriously reckon exchange students get hit hard by the global financial crisis... beginning of this year i was exchanging 1 AUD to 6.5 CNY... now its 1 AUD to 4.2 CNY... WTF!!!!! :rl: and i got a planned trip to Hokkaido at the end of this year... im gonna die~~~ -dead
international students must be loving it.. given the rate of aud has dropped!! i don't think it makes any difference... if u want something, u'd buy it anyway... =) and it's not like prices have skyrocketed (apart from import stuff, but thats all cos of the exchange rate...) depending where u are, lots of stuff are even cheaper! make most of it! =)
Sucks in terms of exchange rate. I was planning to go shopping in Japan and HK like crazy.. and the currency has dropped from record highs to record lows.. Looks like I'm gonna have to reconsider what I get.
ask the ppl in japan/hk to buy for u instead?? or start shorting all the stocks and wen u make so much $$ u dont' have to worry abt it? lol