Does anyone think the grandma is really annoying? I can't stand the way she treats 'ah yin' without having any real evidence that he's bad!
She is annoying, but she is old and wise. One thing she said is right, that "Ah Yin" knows how to kiss people's ass even when he was a kid that shows that he is very good in playing mind game. When a person is good in playing mind game, he can do very bad thing when he wants to., u hate the grandma for being annoying just to save her own family member? And evidence?!?! U need evidence to believe in ur family? Wow, couldnt imagine wat sorta background u came from. FAmily aint those shitty ass govt. FAmily members r the only ones that u can trust. Any other non related or alittle related cannot be trusted.
^ OHH EMM G U JUST SERIOUSLY SPOILED IT FOR ME ......*angry face* i was i wonder what gonna happen to her on ep 16 but noo .. i cba watching now because u just spoiled ... thankk you very much .......*still angry face*
There are so much evidence saying roger is bad from epi 4 to now, what have u been living it? A rock?
the grandma might be annoying but she she right about that guy being a bad guy. its just fustrating when the family jus dont believe her
She is wise but on the other hand kind of dumb cause come on why do u spill all the information before u finished collecting it
She is really stubborn, but she is the important character in the movie. Because of her point of view, we would continue to wait for the killer to be justified.
At the start I did think she was biased as she personally hated roger. But I think she shouldn't have done that. She should have just lived alongside happily without having any grudges against roger. I reckon she could still be alive if she had ignored her instincts